Special Tips For Special People

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Special Tips for Special People

Guests come in all shapes in sizes, the luxurious amenity of an extendable seat belt can accommodate those voluptuous curves. Take the bus ride back to the resort if a solo attendee accidentally lets it slip they are there alone. Characters may be present at weddings as long as there is no alcohol, this is because the dancing bear stripper at bachelorette parties does not tie into affiliations that are Disney associates. If it's that important there is an AA meeting at a nearby hotel or in the case of a pregnant woman who is safe to ride the Ass Blaster as it will not give the developing fetus dimples. Seniors may enjoy the theme park more than the young people because of the recognition of Robin Hood, an older classic. They also receive a discount with wheelchairs being cheaper to rent than strollers. Malingering symptoms could be an ambulatory person signing on the corner of a highway using a wheelchair to gain sympathy. Here is where that extendable seat belt really comes in handy. There is a dessert restaurant called Baby Cakes that serves brownies to downies. There are braille guide books but that does nothing for the colorblind. There is the guest assistance card for those with non-apparent disabilities. Proof is not required because of the Americans with Disabilities Act but here it is. Presenting it in a situation that requires investigation will assist in the understanding of patience as a virtue. It doesn't work for everything at the park but may be useful for outside occasions. 

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