Chapter 11: The First Test

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Dr. Trisha stood at the helm of Project Time; her gaze fixed on the sleek device resting on the workbench. The culmination of seventy days of relentless effort by herself, Sheila, and Ramona, it was an assuming contraption. Wires and circuits interlaced with futuristic components, forming a bridge between the present and the past. Trisha's heart raced as she considered the magnitude of what they were about to attempt.

Sheila wiped her glasses and surveyed the setup for the umpteenth time.

"Trish, are you sure you want to do this?" Her voice wavered with both concern and admiration.

Ramona sat at the nearby computer terminal; fingers poised over the keyboard. "We've checked and rechecked everything, Trish. All systems are go. But... there's always the unknown."

Trisha smiled, a mix of nostalgia and determination in her eyes. "We didn't come this far to back down now. I need to see him again."

Sheila and Ramona exchanged glances, their worry evident, but they nodded in solidarity. Trisha was not only their colleague but their friend, and they understood the depth of her yearning.

"Alright," Sheila said, taking a deep breath.

"Let's make sure everything is perfect. We need to be certain the computer will track you."

As Sheila and Ramona conducted their final checks, Trisha slipped away to the bedrooms of her two children. She stood in the doorway, watching their peaceful slumber. Her son, Aaron, clutched his favorite dinosaur, while her daughter, Beatrice, hugged a worn-out teddy bear. Trisha's heart ached at the thought of leaving them, even for a brief moment.

She walked over and gently kissed their foreheads, whispering, "Mommy loves you so much. I'll be back soon, I promise." She lingered for a moment, drinking in the sight of them, before heading back downstairs.

The basement, with its low hum of equipment and the soft glow of monitors, awaited her return. Sheila and Ramona stood ready, their faces a blend of anticipation and anxiety.

"Everything's set," Ramona said, her voice steady but her eyes betraying a hint of fear.

"We'll monitor your vitals and keep track of your temporal coordinates. If anything goes wrong, we'll pull you back."

Trisha nodded, her heart pounding. She approached the device, a strange mix of excitement and trepidation coursing through her veins. She knew the risks but also the potential rewards. To see her husband again.

"Ready when you are," Sheila said, placing a reassuring hand on Trisha's shoulder.

Trisha took a deep breath and said, "ALEXA?"

ALEXA replied, "Yes, boss?"

She commanded, "Activate Protocol One."

ALEXA immediately added, "Yes, boss. Good luck!"

She then took a deep breath once again, her fingers hovering over the activation switch. "Here goes nothing."

With a determined flick, she turned on the device and set the time to the 16th of October 2034.

A low hum filled the room, growing in intensity. The air seemed to crackle with energy as the machine powered up. Trisha's heart raced, her mind a whirlwind of memories and emotions. Suddenly, the hum ceased, and for a split second, there was silence.

Then, without warning, the machine failed. The lights flickered, and the hum died away, leaving an eerie stillness.

Trisha's heart sank, and Sheila and Ramona rushed to the terminal, frantic.

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