Chapter 15: Happy Birthday, Trisha!

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The next day marked Trisha's 50th birthday. Her children, Bea and Aaron, took their time meticulously decorating the house for the celebration. To ensure their preparations remained a surprise, they enlisted Sheila's help. Sheila ventured down to the basement, where Trisha was absorbed in her calculations and inventions. She successfully distracted her for hours, while Aaron busily adorned the living room and Bea dedicated her afternoon to cooking and baking a cake.

Once their tasks were completed, Bea and Aaron called for their mother, saying someone wanted to meet her in the living room. Trisha, curious and unsuspecting, set aside her work and ascended the stairs. As she entered the room, she was greeted with a loud chorus of "Happy Birthday!"

Trisha was overwhelmed by the sight of familiar and new faces alike. Each guest took a moment to share a heartfelt message.

"Hi, Mother," Bea began. "Happy 50th birthday. I hope you've achieved everything you wanted. I wish you happiness and health in the next half of your life. Don't worry about me and Aaron; we've got you covered. We'll always take care of you, even from afar. Enjoy your day, and remember to rest when you're tired."

After the touching tributes, they sang "Happy Birthday" while Aaron brought out the cake. Trisha closed her eyes, made a wish, and blew out the candles, prompting cheers from everyone. They then gathered to sample the delicious dishes Bea had prepared.

As the celebration continued, Sheila noticed something amiss while getting her food.

"Bea?" she called.

"Yeah?" Bea responded.

"Where's your mother?" Sheila asked.

"I'm not sure. Let me check the basement."

Bea returned shortly, shaking her head. "She's not there."

"Then where could she be?" Sheila pondered for a moment. "I think I know. I'll go find her. You keep the guests entertained."

Sheila headed upstairs, checking each room until she heard a sound from the balcony. She found the sliding door slightly ajar and stepped outside.

"Trish?" she called softly.

"Yes?" came the reply.

"Why aren't you at the party?" Sheila asked, stepping closer.

Trisha stood on the balcony, gazing out at the cityscape as the sun began to set.

"Well, I'm just... taking in the view of this growing city before night falls," Trisha said softly.

"Why are you here?"

"Nothing much, just checking on you since you disappeared from the party," Sheila replied, leaning against the balcony railing. "Shouldn't you be asleep by now?"

"Pft, I'm not an old woman yet, Shei," Trisha chuckled.

"Just messing with you," Sheila said with a grin. "So..."

"So..." Trisha echoed, turning to face her friend.

"Alright, I'll go straight to why I'm here," Sheila began, her tone turning serious. "Why are you selling your company?"

Trisha's eyes narrowed. "Where did you hear that?"

"From your daughter," Sheila replied.

"Ugh. That gossiping child," Trisha sighed. "Yes, it's true."

"Why?" Sheila asked gently.

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