The Prologue

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<Low battery, please charge it to the nearest charging station>

"Come on, I just wanna record and send this to her..."

<Recording failed due to insufficient power>

"God da—"


"Oh, is it working? Um...Hi...

It's me [̸̘̇R̴̲̽E̶͓̎D̷͇̐Á̷̲Ć̵̩Ṯ̶̑Ĕ̶̱D̶̗̓]̸̳̓... again. Still alive and well and living in... I don't want to say where.

I was just calling to see how you were doing, sis. It's been... I don't know, forty? Fifty decades? Since we saw each other.

I just wanna say that even we argued before I left. Please tell Mom that... I love her so much, and Dad... even though he did that to her... I still love him and miss him... so much.

If you receive this, please... don't follow me, don't track me, don't snoop into my life, and especially... DON'T COME TO ME."

<The voice recording ends>

Sending voice recording 01101001...

<Sending success!>


"Ma'am?... Ma'am?... do you—"

"Yes... Find him... immediately, NOW!!"

"Y-yes, Ma'am! Team CRL, onto the Canonpult quickly!"

The sound of hurried footsteps echoes in the sterile, high-tech facility. Team CRL, a group of elite operatives clad in sleek, black uniforms, rushes towards a massive, cutting-edge transportation device known as the Canonpult. The air is thick with tension as they prepare for their mission.


news intro

Annica appears as if she's about to deliver great news.

"Good morning, America. Welcome back to News Tea. This next news story is all about one of the greatest inventors and scientists of our time."

Roberto added with enthusiasm...

"Doctor Trisha Merdova, PhD, has just been announced as the winner of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics. This represents a monumental leap forward in her career, as well as in the field of modern technology."

Annica nodded, "That's right, Roberto. Dr. Merdova has been a trailblazer in the field of nanotechnology. Her groundbreaking work involves the development of nanotechnologies capable of harvesting clean energy, which have not only revolutionized the energy sector but also provided free electricity to her entire neighborhood. Her vision and persistence didn't stop there; she expanded this technology, and today it powers the entire city of Massachusetts."

Roberto continued, "Her innovations have not only transformed the way we think about energy consumption but have also set a new standard for sustainable living. It's no wonder she has been nominated for the Nobel Prize."

Annica added with a smile, "And this year, the Nobel Prize Ceremony is taking place in Stockholm, Sweden. We are now going live to the ceremony, where Dr. Merdova is about to receive her medal and deliver what promises to be an inspiring speech."

Roberto chimed in, "Did you know that Dr. Merdova will be the 25th woman to win the Nobel Prize in Physics? This is a significant milestone, not just for her but for women in science everywhere."

Annica added, "Absolutely, Roberto. Her achievements are a beacon of hope and a powerful message to young girls and women around the world: that with dedication and hard work, they too can reach the pinnacle of scientific achievement."

The camera cuts to the ceremony in Stockholm. The grand hall is filled with dignitaries, scientists, and members of the Nobel Committee. The host announces Dr. Merdova's name, and the audience erupts into applause.

Roberto excitedly said, "Oh, there she is receiving the medal. What a proud moment!"

Annica added, "And now, Dr. Merdova steps up to the podium. Let's listen in to her speech."

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