Chapter 12: I repeat, Code Orange

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After a delicious breakfast, Trisha, Sheila, and Ramona gathered around once again in the sleep, metallic device that is Project Time. They didn't create a proper name for the device, so they've just stayed at the name Project Time.

The project was finally ready for more rigorous testing. The second and third trial had gone surprisingly well, with Trisha successfully transporting herself to her past, and not her future. The room buzzed with the hum of machinery and the palpable excitement of the three women.

Few trials later...

"Okay, let's review what we've gathered in the few trials," Trisha said, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration.

"So, every teleportation to the past lasts exactly ten seconds. You can only visit your own past, not the future, and we've discovered a few more limitations."

Sheila nodded, scrolling through the data on her tablet. "Right, and we need to ensure the device can handle multiple jumps without overloading. That last test was promising, but we still have a lot of ground to cover."

Ramona chimed in, her fingers dancing, over the holographic interface. "I've installed your ALEXA into the project to help with the recordings and findings. It'll give us real-time data and assist in monitoring any anomalies."

Trisha took a deep breath, her determination renewed. "Great. Let's keep pushing forward. I have a feeling we're on the brink of something monumental."

As the evening wore on, Sheila and Ramona decided to call it a night. They exchanged hugs with Trisha and promised to be back early the next morning to continue their work. Trisha, however, felt a pull to continue testing. There was something about the device, a gut feeling that urged her not to stop now.

Alone in the dimly lit basement, Trisha initiated another test as she wants to see her husband and chat with him. The familiar hum of the Project Time grew louder, and a blinding light enveloped her. She braced herself for the usual sensation of being pulled through time, but this time, something felt different.

When the light faded. Trisha found herself standing in the middle of a bustling city. But it wasn't her city. The architecture was a strange blend of futuristic and ancient styles, with towering spires of glass and steel intertwined with stone buildings covered in ivy. Hovering vehicles zipped through the air and people dressed in strange, hybrid clothing moved about their business.

Confusion washed over her. She thinks that her device can now travelled to the future.

"ALEXA," she whispered, hoping the device would still function in this unfamiliar place.

"Where am I?"

ALEXA crackled to life. "It seems we were transported in the Universee-2204B."

Trisha was surprised and immediately asked, "2204B? Why is there a letter in it? Is this my future?"

"You there! Stop right where you are!" An armored guard, his uniform emblazoned with a crest she didn't recognize, approached her with a stern expression.

Trisha replied "Oh, good morning, officer-"

"You are under arrest, Mrs. Merdova." The guard suddenly grabbed her arm, which caused her anxiety.

Trisha asked, "For what?"

The guard immediately replied, "That thing. Everything will be explained once you come to us."

Panic surged through Trisha. Without thinking, she turned and ran in the opposite direction, her mind racing.

Who are they? What do they want from me? How did they know about Project Time?

She had to find her way back to her own reality.

She darted through the crowded streets, dodging pedestrians and vehicles alike. Her pursuers were relentless, more guards appearing from every direction.

She spotted a narrow alleyway and sprinted towards it, hoping to lose them in the maze of backstreets.

The alley was dark and damp, the sounds of the city muffled by the high walls on either side.

Trisha's breaths came in ragged gasps as she pushed herself to keep going. Just when she thought she might have a chance to escape, a strange, swirling portal materialized in front of her.

She skidded to a halt, staring at the portal in disbelief. What is this?

Another piece of advanced technology? She didn't have time to ponder, as the guards were closing in. One of them aimed a gun-like device at her and fired. A supersonic force slammed into her back, sending her sprawling forward into the portal.

The world spun violently, and Trisha felt herself losing consciousness. The last thing she heard was ALEXA's voice, faint and distant.

"Warning: Temporal displacement imminent..."


A minute later, Trisha awoke, she found herself lying on a hard, cold surface. Groaning, she sat up and looked around. The portal was gone. She was in a large, dimly lit room filled with strange machinery and glowing screens. Her heart throbbed, and she struggled to piece together what had happened.

"ALEXA," she murmured weakly.

"Where am I now?"

ALEXA isn't responding. The device appears to be broken due to the supersonic force or she was in an unknown location that can't reached the main server of ALEXA.

She stood up and walked around. She examined some of the strange objects and machinery around the room, but her head was aching a little. She decided to try and escape, as she saw a door.

When she opened it, she took a peek from left to right, scouting any guards that might have been securing the place. But there's no one there. The hallway appears to be empty, so she grabs the opportunity to escape. She just went right as she doesn't know where she is.

She was walking slowly and quietly, as the place was really quiet. And even well-maintained. The hallway was perfectly cleaned from ceiling to the floor, and all shining.


"Hey, there she is!" Someone shouted from the hallway

Trisha doesn't know where it might be. So, she just barged in a nearby door to escape from the incoming guards.

"T3RB is here. Code Orange, I repeat, Code Orange!" A guard shouted in the hallway

Trisha ran as she entered the room and saw some guards that were asleep at that time. She turned back and looked at where are the incoming guards are. She saw them in the left side, so she immediately ran on the right side.

She felt tired from running, but she must keep going in order to escape the guards. She looked behind and saw that the guards were now fading from her vision, which she felt success and keeps on running from them. When she looked back in front of her, a middle-age girl appears in front of her and aimed a gun-like device to her.

"You stubborn piece of..." The girl quickly pulled the trigger and Trisha got shot in the forehead. She was shot a bullet-like energy, which made her unconscious.

She immediately fell on the floor, her vision faint and she heard a voice that was fading, "All of this trouble for such a little device..."

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