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Heyy 🙋🏾‍♀️

Sorry I'm late but do enjoy this new chapter.

"Hurry up nuh dawg dis no suppose to be a take we no more than ten minutes fi do" my voice firm

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"Hurry up nuh dawg dis no suppose to be a take we no more than ten minutes fi do" my voice firm.

Cardo and choppa throws the last shovel of dirt over the hole before removing the dead cats from the plastic bag and leaving them near the burial site.

The AMG G63 was more convenient for this mission.

No bwoy could diss me and feel seh dem a get away wid it.


Months now the bwoy a walk around school wid him friend dem a throw bare threats pon mi and mi dawgs dem.

Mi no keep up long talking wid no man so no just laugh it off cause me know when de time comes even him moda ago feel it.

They load the shovel and plastic bags in the trunk. When they're inside I pull off and drive back to the safe house.

Choppa take the bags throwing them inside the metal drum we used out back to burn evidence. After pouring gasoline he lights it ablaze.

We observe the contents being burnt until everything is destroyed.

"You know the code" I tell them.

"We know how the ting set already" cardo says, choppa nods in agreement.

"No seh 40 mi Don" choppa states while lighting his big head spliff.

Choppa suddenly starts laughing drawing our attention to him.

"Yow the pussyhole did a bawl like a newborn baby yf" he holds the spliff away from his mouth and continues to laugh.

We join him.

All the chats him had at school when I pull up on him, de bwoy mouth lock like shop.

"See you in the marrows mi G" Cardo says on his way to his car. Choppa does the same but allowed me to pull off before him since we both live in the same direction.

Mi grow from young wid dem bwoy yah around me. Their fathers work for mine so man grow like brothers you zeet.

When I get on my road he blows his horn and I do the same. I take up the remote and open the gate.

We do have security but we're allowed to open the gate ourselves. If you can't it means you no belong in there and Calvin don't take likely to unauthorized visitors.

Shoot first, ask questions later.

But a dead man tells no tale so you done know how that go.

It's almost eleven and the lights are still on in the living room.

The door is unlocked too.

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