Vegeta's Destruction; Living on Earth

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome to the first chapter of this story, I will not be making images be a part of this story since I don't want to use up all the space on my laptop that I'm currently using to make these stories. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the first chapter that I will be having be the technical first chapter of the story to begin the overall story as a whole. 

It was a normal day for those who lived on Planet Vegeta, especially for those who were warriors for the planet. Their job was to take over planets, kill their inhabitants before selling the planet as a whole to Lord Frieza and his father King Cold. For a specific Saiyan Male, he had a very bad feeling as he flew his ship around the planet, he was currently manning outside of Planet Vegeta. He was currently finishing a mission King Vegeta had left up to him to complete, he may be slightly weaker than the king, but that didn't mean he always listened to the bastard. Hisashi was a very prideful Saiyan man, he wouldn't take shit from anyone aside from one Saiyan brute who had bested him in battle. That Saiyan Brute was Bardock, the father of the up-and-coming Saiyan youngling Raditz. Apparently, he had overheard on the communications between Lord Frieza and King Vegeta himself, that they were going to do a routine check a little earlier than usual. It was how they were worded near the end that caused a lot of alarm bells in Hisashi's head to blare off at dangerous levels. So he took the mission to explore the depths of the Galaxy in search of a place to take over from afar. He was currently out in space when he heard the communications from Lord Frieza as he spoke about how Planet Vegeta had been destroyed by an Asteroid. The only issue about this, it happened mere moments after the 'routine checkup' that the evil Space Tyrant had issued. So now without a planet to return back home to, he continued his journey not for a planet to take over, but one to live the rest of his days on. Sighing in exasperation, he ran a hand through his somewhat spikey curled hair as he shook his head focusing on his mission. He may have been one of the last surviving Saiyan's left in the Universe who might be capable of fighting Lord Frieza later on in life. He could try and last long enough to gain enough power to surpass the damn frost demon from another planet. But now the question for Hisashi was not where he could live, but how he would live on another planet without causing discord on it. Many people would probably cause a ruckus when seeing a spaceship entering their planet's atmosphere. So he just decided to let his ship take over on autopilot so that he could find a planet worth living on for the rest of his living days. The last thing he would see however before he could even stop what was happening, was a massive vortex appearing in front of his ship and enveloping it.


"NRGH!" Hisashi grunted as he looked at his surroundings. "Automaton, what are the diagnostics on the ship?" Hisashi questioned, quickly. {All is safe Hisashi. Everything minus some minor damage to the Oxygen Supply is safe and slightly damaged.} The automated message said. "Well chart a course for the nearest planet with life on it, as well as one with a safe atmosphere to live within. I may need to live out the rest of my days on a planet where I am the last of my kind." Hisashi said, with a sad sigh. 

{Charting Course for Intergalactic travel. Destination, Planet Earth. Atmosphere, safe. Living status of lifeforms... stable. Charting Course for nearest safe location... Musutafu, Japan. Shizuocka Prefecture.} The automaton said, robotically.

Hisashi had looked out his window as he looked at the moving stars of the Galaxy, he was now a part of. Maybe he could live on the Planet the Automaton talked about? Earth? He believes that is what its name was called. The trip to the planet would take a mere 5 minutes with his spacecraft as it would arrive just outside of the planet's atmosphere. He set the landing location within a small forest nearby as he made sure to have it land in an area where nobody would be exploring nor looking for an Alien Spacecraft.

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