End of the fight; Third day

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of The Saiyan Who Could! I hope you all haven't been waiting too long for this chapter to come out, I had wanted to let it gather the reads that some people on the platform might give. I wanted to take care of some other stories that I had neglected for a while before getting back to this one. Without further ado, let's begin!

As soon as All Might had told the two teams to begin their battle exercise, they were off. Kirishima had run through the front entrance as Izuku went to the roof access in order to take the people on from above. As he flew quickly to the roof, he heard Kirishima running up a set of stairs as he overheard her make contact with Sato who had gotten to the third floor in preparation for her arrival. Running through the upper floors, Izuku soon found himself nearing one of the lower floors from the rooftop. He found that the door seemingly was shut tight when he attempted to open it to get inside, so he decided to just forego the whole breaking the door down. Breaking a hole into the ceiling above himself, he moved into the room that was above the room where the door was sealed tight. He called Kirishima about how he found the bombs room on the fourth highest floor of the building whose door was locked tight. When she told him to just make sure to buy enough time for her to prove her strength against Sato, Izuku sighed. He informed her that if she doesn't defeat Sato within the time frame given, he will be forced to touch the bomb before she can finish her fight. That was something Kirishima had acknowledged and told him that she'd do her best. 

Izuku stood on top of the ceiling flooring as he felt out Mineta's energy within the building, he found that the boy was hiding in a small area within the room. And he could tell the boy was completely distracted with something as he used his energy to quickly melt a hole above where the boy was last felt. As soon as Izuku melted the ceiling tile with his energy, he made sure that it wouldn't be bright enough to catch the other boy's attention. As soon as the hole was made, he slowly floated down behind the boy as he made his plans for taking down the Hero Team. 

"Alright, with Midoriya fighting Sato, that means that Kirishima-chan will be coming here. Not only that, but I will be able to use my quirk to my advantage." He muttered, drooling slightly. 'So he thinks that he can use this exercise to do something perverted? I need to gather more info before I continue.' Izuku thought to himself. "Once Kirishima gets in the room, I will throw all my purple balls at her, holding her in place before I make my move. Once that is done... hehe! I will be able to place my hands on her bandaged chest!" The boy said, with a lewd grin on his face.

That was all Izuku needed to hear as he touched down behind the boy quietly. He slowly moved towards the boy silent as can be, his footsteps were so quiet that even he himself couldn't hear them. By the time he towered over the diminutive boy, Izuku's eyes were covered by his hair as he reached a hand down to the boy. As soon as his hand was extremely close to the small boy, he immediately struck as he placed his hand on the boy's nape causing him to let out a feminine scream before Izuku slammed him into the ground coincidentally knocking him out. Wrapping the tape on the boy for extra measure, he called All Might about the perverted acts that Mineta was about to attempt had he not split up from Kirishima early on in the test.


All Might had been watching Midoriya as he slowly lowered himself behind Mineta, and he was hearing what the boy was talking about. Now All Might himself would rather give the boy the benefit of the doubt, but as soon as Mineta had stated his desires for touching a female classmate he had growled. Another part of himself was glad that Midoriya was there to hear Mineta state those things as he told All Might about the boy's plans. And within seconds, Midoriya landed behind Mineta as the boy stewed in his thoughts of perverted actions. And within the next few moments, he was already knocking the boy out with a slam on the ground and wrapping him up in tape. 

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