Filler Chapter

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of The Saiyan Who Could! I hope you all haven't been waiting for too long considering the last chapter was made yesterday. I wanted to make sure that you all are getting the chapters that you all wish for on this story considering the fact that I wanted to make a Saiyan Izuku story. I had tried doing one in the past, but it just didn't get anywhere... so I am happy that you all are giving this version of events its due. Let's begin!

The death of Hisashi Midoriya hit the Midoriya family like a train car smashing its way into their life. The simple fact that Hisashi hadn't come home, especially on one of his days off from work and when he stated that he'd be back earlier on in the day was a tough pill to swallow. But that made it much more gut wrenching when All Might himself had arrived at their apartment complex before telling them the news. An old man was with him too when this was stated, so when a Nine-year-old Izuku had overheard the sounds of his mother crying in the living room from his bedroom he came running out. Both men in the room saw how Izuku ran into his mother's arms asking her what was wrong, but they noticed that he'd started to cry as well. Inko, the boy's mother had informed Izuku about his father's death and he made a comment about feeling that was the case. Never before had All Might and his mentor ever heard a young boy mention about how they knew about their father's demise as if they had done it themselves. Trying to get the boy to talk about how he knew about it before they informed him, was getting them nowhere considering the fact he just kept his mouth shut. But that was okay, they had only come over here to inform Inko about her husband's death... and that there was no body in order to bury. Inko's reaction to her son, however, was rather telling... she was smiling sadly at her baby boy as the two Heroes left the apartment.

Over the next five years however, life for Midoriya Izuku would only get worse over time. The boy had been showing that he'd be a great academic learner within the school he was learning in... but because of his 'quirklessness' they would always lower his grades believing that he'd be cheating. And it didn't help that his old friend turned bully had decided that he could increase the amount of baggage the boy carried through middle and high school. Aldera Junior High was a place where Izuku found no place to hide from his bullies, but that didn't mean he didn't fight them from time to time. He had even managed to show that even without a quirk, he could still kick Katsuki's ass if he had wished to. Ever since Izuku's first win against the boy, the blonde bomber had gotten far worse on his bullying tactics. It went from mere verbal abuse to outright physical abuse that continued to get worse and worse over the years. Now Izuku was in his final year of high school as he was still training in secret in order to pass the UA University Entrance Exams. He still wanted to be a Hero after all, it was what his father had trained him for all those years ago. He was continuing with his journalizing of Quirks as well as how they were used to this day, however. You couldn't just see him walking around the school without asking others about how their quirks worked, it was as if he couldn't stop asking questions whenever quirks came up.


Although at this point in time, Izuku was standing in front of Katsuki as the boy was glaring openly at him. They were in gym class at the moment as the boy was growling at him, they were learning how to do wrestling and Izuku had won the first two rounds. Even though Quirk usage was against the law, the teachers of the school had still allowed the boy to use his quirk even like this. Said boy however was losing because of technicalities within how the rules were placed. Izuku had pushed him outside of the line two times already and Katsuki was getting more and more irritated. It eventually reached a head when Izuku rushed Katsuki with surprising speed, reaching an arm underneath the boy's elbow as Katsuki released an explosion in his face. Powering through the small burns appearing on his face, Izuku wrapped an arm around Katsuki's arm and neck as he suplexed him on the ground. As soon as Katsuki struggled to get back up from having his neck nearly broken from how hard Izuku slammed him down, the boy pulled his arms back and released them outwards creating a massive explosion. As he laughed at how he seemingly won, Izuku just stood there looking at Katsuki with a deadpanned look as he punched the boy in the face, knocking him out. 

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