Birth of a New Saiyan; All for One Appears

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of The Saiyan Who Could! I hope you all are loving how the story is going at this point in time! I wanted to give Hisashi time to spend with Inko before their son would be born, and I will be making Hisashi be there for his wife and newborn son. All for One's appearance in the story will be at the end of the chapter. See you all then!

Over the next nine months after Hisashi and Inko got together, the two were like a unit working together. Hisashi had gotten a job as a worker beyond the country of Japan as a very skilled construction worker building the wall between Mexico and America. And whilst he was earning money for the two of them to live within the apartment, they were building enough money to support the newborn child that was gifted to them during their night of passion. And as the months passed by until it was time for their little baby to be born, Hisashi was visiting his wife of 2 months as they noticed her water broke. He immediately took to the skies as he rushed her to the hospital not too far away in a panic, he had never been a father but his fatherly instincts to keep his woman safe were taking over his brain. He landed in front of the hospital as he rushed inside with his wife blushing at how he was carrying her without much effort as he yelled at one of the nurses inside the building. 

"I need your doctors immediately!" Hisashi screamed as one of the Nurses ran over. "What's wrong with your wife sir!?" The Nurse asked, worriedly. "Her water broke, and I don't know what to do!?" Hisashi said, as the nurse smiled at him fondly. "Don't worry sir, we will get her into one of the rooms for her." The nurse said, easing Inko from her husband's arms and onto a stretcher. "Don't worry Mr. Midoriya, we will do everything in our power to keep your wife safe in childbirth. Do you want to be there for when she gives birth to your child?" The doctor who looked like Mario asked curiously. "If there is anything keeping me from my wife then you better prepare for your building to be destroyed." Hisashi said, rushing after his wife. 

Over the course of the next few hours, Inko screamed in pain as she did her very best in order to push their baby out of her stomach. She had been holding onto Hisashi's hand in a death grip as he smiled down at her, he felt that the reason he loved her dearly was mainly because of how demanding she was. He really loved her if she was able to handle him and how he worked very hard every year. But at the end of at least 15 hours of harsh labor, Inko had a baby pulled out of her stomach as the doctors and nurses cut the umbilical cord from the baby's stomach. They washed it and completely did their best in order to keep it alive before returning back to the newly made parents. 

"Well do you all want the information about your child?" The Mario Lookalike doctor asked. "What is it?" Hisashi asked, tears in his eyes. "Well to start, you both have a 4.08 kilos child who is seemingly made of pure muscle. And to let you both know, they're not overweight... surprisingly they are completely healthy for how big they are. They are a boy, congratulations on the increase to your family. What will you name him?" The doctor said, as the nurses returned with their child.

The baby when they were placed in the caring hands of Inko was crying softly as he opened his eyes for the first time. His eyes were emerald, green in color... but there was a striking resemblance of the boy with his father in that his cheeks were showing freckles in the shape of a diamond. He looked around the room in wonder as he was seeing the world for the first time before settling his eyes on his father. The Saiyan Male looked at his son in pride as he placed his hand over the baby's face before he felt something akin to a vision clouding his vision.


Standing in front of the school of UA University, his son stood having a very striking resemblance to him. He was very muscular as well as had slightly long hair that was curly and green in color, he smiled down at the ground for a moment before turning to look at him for a second before looking confused. The vision then changed to his son being in front of a massive creature that was black in color and held a beak with sharp teeth inside. The two exchanged blows for a small bit before his son had gotten the upper hand as he overpowered the creature with his pure strength before grabbing the leg and flying into the air. Spinning around in a circle he flung the weird creature into the sky before charging a blast whilst stating the name of it.

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