End of a Saiyan; Izuku the Final Saiyan

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of The Saiyan Who Could! I hope you all enjoyed the previous chapter as it showed Hisashi getting a good hit on the number 1 Villain! Now for all that you are wondering, Hisashi will not survive this battle. Mainly because of what happens in this chapter specifically. So without giving any more spoilers than the Title gives itself, let's begin.

The smoke and debris from the blast that Hisashi had launched towards All for One was still clearing up. And All Might had taken the time in order to move next to Hisashi in order to get a good read on the Saiyan Warrior. Landing next to the man as he touched down back on the ground, the Hero looked into the man's eyes before speaking towards him in an uneven tone.

"How are you able to attack like that, and fly? Is it something to do with your quirk?" All Might asked looking into the smoke. "As much as I would love to state that what I did was a quirk, you're dead wrong." Hisashi said, glaring into the smoke. "Well as much as I appreciate the help, I should inform you to leave." All Might said, as he prepared himself for another fight. "And I cannot in good conscience leave you to fight this monster all alone without some kind of back up. I can sense his energy, and he isn't down yet. But it seems he's doing something to heal the kind of damage that I had dealt to him." Hisashi stated as he entered a combat stance. 

All Might did the same as the two men glared into the clearing smoke cloud to reveal a harrowing sight before them. All for One was looking worse for wear, but at the same time he was regenerating all the wounds dealt to him by Hisashi without so much as a thought. But he was now giving them an angry expression that was similar to a murderous intending stare. He walked out of the massive crater created by Hisashi as he glared at the Saiyan man with a hatred that would last for generations.

"Who are you? I had never seen a man such as yourself in my 200 years of life on this molten rock of dirt and water." All for One asked, no demanded. "I'm just a father who is wanting to protect the idol that his son loves too much. But if it's any consolation... I'm not of this world." Hisashi quipped as All for one chuckled. "Hehe ha. That is completely not a part of what I believe to be true. Once I am done with killing All Might and taking One for All away from him, I will make sure to end your life as slowly as possible. Before moving onto your family and wiping them from existence... oh, maybe even turning your child, if you even have one to villainy myself?" All for One said, before rushing the two of them very much faster than before.

As the villain launched towards the two with great speeds, Hisashi moved to the skies as All Might jumped out of the way. The two then sped towards the villain as he stopped skidding along the ground before turning towards the two of them. All Might threw a right haymaker that he called out with a Detroit Smash, whilst Hisashi just threw a kick down towards All for One's head. Both attacks were caught by the truly villainous man as he used a combination of quirks in order to push back All Might and focus more on Hisashi. Using multiple combinations, he took to the skies as well as he threw quirk powered attacks at the Saiyan as he dodged and weaved through each attack. Eventually one of the quirked attacks sent Hisashi down to the ground as he quickly got back up as if the attack didn't even hurt. Although his upper torso in terms of clothing was burned away as the man revealed his upper torso riddled with battle scars. 

"Oh, so it appears that you've been in fights before. How long has it been since your last fight?" All for One questioned. "If I told you, I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't believe me. But enough talk, let's fight!" Hisashi said, a battle-ready grin on his face.

Hisashi threw a kick towards his opponent that was powered with his energy whilst the villain dodged the strike. Hisashi then twisted his body and slammed a backhanded fist into the back of the villain's head causing him to stumble backwards into the attack of a now returned All Might. The man called out a Texas Smash as All for One's body was folded in half at the spine as he flew forwards to Hisashi who had charged a full power blast in front of him. As soon as he was facing Hisashi though, he pulled up a quirk that created a barrier around himself as he blocked the blast in front of him. But it would be after this that a hand pushed through the smoke of All for One's defense as it grabbed him by the face before slamming him into the ground. It was followed by All Might falling from the sky with his feet pointing straight at the villain's face. All for One moved to the side in order to avoid the strike, but that was what Hisashi prepared for as he appeared next to the villain placing a hand on the villain's chest. 

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