UA Entrance Exam

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of The Saiyan Who Could! I hope you all haven't been waiting for too long on this chapter to come out! I just can't wait to see how many people wish to read this story from here on out considering there won't be any more filler chapters unless it comes to the movies that had come out for the MHA universe. Anyway, let's begin the chapter!

Izuku was in the gym his mother had him apply to in order to increase his strength as well as overall power. She had seen that he was getting stronger over the previous five years and decided that he'd need to increase his workout regiments so that he could keep his power up. So with him entering a small gym that could cater to his whole workout regiment, he was happy training there. For the previous 10 months he'd been training here preparing for the Entrance Exams that were for UA University. He was hopeful that he would get in, especially considering word on the UA grapevine that the Entrance Exams were going to be against robots. So he had a feeling that he'd be capable of fighting them since they were only used for students who were hoping to get into the Hero Course. Also, another development, that previous school he had gone too was taken down for discrimination as well as other factors that his mother wouldn't tell him. But he knew it was important considering the many people she called at night, letting out a sigh he got right to training. He had a few hours before the Entrance Exam today, so he wanted to get some last-minute gains in order to mentally prepare himself for the exams.

He walked up to the punching bag as he started at the heaviest one, punching and kicking away at a speed that would cause most speed quirk users to look in complete confusion. He was letting out a large amount of the stress he was holding within himself as he punched and kicked to his hearts content. What he hadn't noticed though, was that the bag was unable to hold off against his swift assault before a moment later after he had been punching and kicking it harshly for about an hour as it ripped. This just so happened to happen when he sent a kick in its direction kicking it off of its chain and smashing into the wall gaining the attention of everyone around him. Sheepishly walking to pick it up, he turned to put it in the trash when the person in charge of the building came over to him with an exasperated look on their face. 

"Midoriya, as much as I would love for you to continue coming to us for your stress relief... you need to leave. You cost us too much money replacing the punching bags as well as other equipment we use for you." The boss of the establishment said, sadly. "I'm sorry sir. I hope your day continues to be good after I leave." Izuku said, a sad aura surrounding him. 


Izuku entered the UA University barrier as he mentally prepared himself for taking the entrance exams for the school. He thought about his late father as made a mental promise to get into the school and gain a Hero License to make him proud. He knew the Hero Name he wanted to take as well when he became a Hero, he wanted to honor his father in all ways so taking his name and making it his Hero Name would be perfect for him. He walked through the halls of the school as he made sure to make it to the written exams rooms that all students take when entering. 

About 2 whole hours later, Izuku walked out of one of the rooms as he mentally tried to keep himself awake. He'd done his studying for the written exams, but he couldn't help but be bluescreening on specific questions on the test. But he knew that he did very good on certain parts of the test that he believed that if he didn't get in through the Practical Examination to enter the Hero Course, he would at least get into General Education. And through that he'd get into the Hero Course through the Sports Festival that starts and ends within two months from now. He sat down in a seat in the back of the auditorium as he walked through its doors, he wanted to be as close to the exit as possible. And unfortunately for him, another student did the same as it was revealed to be Bakugo. Katsuki as he growled audibly.

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