First Day P.2

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of The Saiyan Who Could! I hope you all haven't been waiting for too long for this chapter to come out! I have been kind of busy these last few days as well as trying to get another of my stories out on I will be placing some of my stories that have more sexual content on there, as well as putting my sexual contented stories on that platform for now. See you all later!

Walking back to the classroom of Class 1-A, Izuku made himself think about everything leading up to this moment in his life. He had wanted to not have to deal with Katsuki and the more slightly intimidating young man from the Entrance Hall during the Entrance Exams. As he let out a small breath he reached for the door when he heard a sound of a small argument inside the room. 

"Get your feet off the desk right now!" A familiar toned voice called out. "It's just a desk dude." A new voice said, as Izuku opened the door. "You highly disrespecting the person who used this desk before you! Not to mention that you are disrespecting the person who made this specific desk!" The young man said, with chopping motions with his hands. "Dude, calm down. It's just a desk, it's not like it's got feelings of its own you know." The student said, rather cooly. 

Izuku stared at the scene before him as he just let out a sigh before walking over to his seat behind the young man who was being verbally scolded. Sitting in his seat, he had let out a sigh of relief as he thought about how Bakugo Katsuki had not been placed in the same class as him again. 

'I hope that I don't meet Bakugo again here. Just hope that he isn't in another class nearby.' Izuku thought to himself. "If you all are here to talk and make friends, then you can all leave now." An older but monotone voice said, gaining everyone's attention.

The new arrival had moved over to the front podium as he had pulled off his sleeping bag as he stretched. Looking at the class, everyone noticed how he seemingly had bags under his eyes as he stared at each and every one of them. Letting out a sigh, he moved towards the sleeping bag as he pulled out a small clear bag with UA Gym Uniforms inside. 

"Put these on and meet me outside, we will be conducting some exercises to test your potential." The man said, before leaving the room.


Once everyone was outside, Izuku stood off to the side as he stretched his body in preparation for the test. And everyone had just shouted what the test was in shock as their teacher just nodded his head before looking to Izuku. 

"This will be a Quirk Apprehension Test. Midoriya, you got the number 1 slot without using a quirk correct?" The man asked, as Izuku nodded. "Spectacular. Now try and beat this exam with using your quirk." The man said, as Izuku stepped up and scratched the back of his neck. "Um sir, I don't have a quirk." Izuku said, as the teacher stared at him. "What was that you used in the Entrance Exams then?" He asked, with a slight glare in his eyes. "That was me using the energy within my body that I built up to that point. It's something that my father trained me in, and not something most people can do." Izuku said, as the teacher just growled inaudibly. "Well then, just do whatever you need to throw this off into the distance. Anything is able to be done so long as you stay within the circle provided on the ground nearby." The teacher said, as Izuku nodded.

Catching the ball that his teacher tossed his direction, Izuku moved into the circle as he powered up to maximum power. As the ground started to shake from him growling and lightning flashing around his body, most of the students noticed something off about Izuku. The boy's muscles had seemingly gained some more muscle mass and increased slightly in height. Turning his body in order to throw it with his entire body, he had then stomped his foot on the ground creating some spiderweb cracks on the ground as with a grunt he threw the ball as hard as he could. It gained a small white aura around itself as it flew off into the air with a sonic boom, and a shockwave for those who were behind him. Returning back to normal power, Izuku let out a sigh as he stretched his arms in a circular motion before looking back at the teacher. 

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