Entrance Exam Letter; Meeting with Nedzu!

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of The Saiyan Who Could! I hope you all are enjoying the previous chapters that have been released on this story so far! I wanted to allow you all to enjoy Izuku fighting some robots as well as see Toshinori immediately recognize Izuku just from his power. Without much else to talk about, let's begin!

Izuku was seen walking home after the long day for the Entrance Exams, he had been thinking about the girl he'd saved. She had beautiful colored hair and hoped that she would be able to enter the Hero Course with him. Not to mention the fact that he could feel that her courage to try and get to him after the destruction he'd done was making his heart flutter as he walked. He heard movement coming up behind him and turned around to see Bakugo catching up with him. 

"Well, if it isn't the stupid monkey! I hope you're ready for another beatdown!" Bakugo called out, as Izuku just glared at him. "Are you sure that you want to do that right now Katsuki? We're not even a mile away from our dream school." Izuku questioned his sanity. "I got 77 points on the test; I also aced the written exams! I am just going to rub it in that they will never accept a worthless piece of Quirkless trash like you!" Katsuki screeched. "Jesus, if you wanted to be even louder you might give the animals a migraine. I don't have time for your shenanigans Katsuki, I just want to go home." Izuku said, as he turned and did exactly that.

With that said, he began to walk away when the sound of sweet caramel as well as heated Nitroglycerin was able to be smelled in the air. Turning around with such speed that Bakugo had no time to counter, Izuku placed his fist in the air and thrusted it towards the boy's stomach. As soon as he did it as hard as possible, Katsuki's body folded like it was a taco shell before falling of the offending arm. While he groaned on the ground in pain, Izuku walked away from the boy just letting out a sigh as he felt that his 'beating' will just be worse when he goes to school the next day.

He would make it to his home within the timeframe that he wanted to make his mother some dinner this time. Just as something to do to make up for all the other schools that she'd had to take down in the previous 5 years alone. He was making her favorite kind of dinner that had American Hamburgers, with some French fries. He had no idea why they were called that, but he just went with the flow. By the time his mother had arrived at the house, she found him setting up the plates as she smiled at him. 

"Wow, Izuku. If I didn't know any better, you beat the exams and are doing a celebratory dinner!" Inko said, smiling. "Well I think I did good enough on the test. Just got to wait until the letter of acceptance or rejection comes through the mail within a week. I wanted to make a celebratory dinner for you. It was as a thanks for helping me with all my school related problems over the last few years." Izuku said, as he gave her a plate. "Well I would do that even if you weren't a Saiyan Izuku. But what are you going to be doing by the time school begins again?" Inko asked, as Izuku just shrugged. "I will be working out in the meantime before the letter, and we get moved onto the school campus." Izuku said, as he dug into his meal. "You better take it easy during the week, I can't have you attempting to create a room to train a lot harder than you did to take the Entrance Exams." Inko chastised as Izuku gave her a mockingly offended expression. "I would never! I would make sure that it was out of sight for you!" Izuku said, with a smug smile. "You really are your father's son." Inko said, wistfully. "I know, I miss him everyday mom." Izuku said, a sad expression taking over his face. 

His tail had also fallen from his normal excited movements as it swished side to side very slowly. Inko apologized for bringing him up again before the two went into the living room to watch some television to get the sad aura around them to go away.

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