Chapter Four

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*Zayn's POV*

The sun is rising and I can't sleep. Last night had been great and I wanted to tell Daniella all about it but she hadn't been feeling well. When I asked her what was wrong she snapped at me. Then all of a sudden she had to go. When I called her a few minutes later, she said she had to run to the pharmacy. At 1 o'clock in the morning. No. 

What if she was with another guy? I tried to push the thought out of my mind but it refused to leave. I suppose it wasn't a great time to leave. I mean, after what I had done with her. But I didn't have a choice. But what if my leaving had made her want to move on? I needed to talk to someone who saw her regularly.

I dialed my mum's number and pressed send. 

"For the love of God, Dani what is it now?" I heard my mother answer the phone.

"Uh, actually it's Zayn...Your son. Remember me?" I joked. Clearly she had been sleeping. "Why did you think I was Dani?" I asked.

"Oh she called a few hours ago and came over for a little while," she said and she sounded quite suspicious. 

"In the middle of the night?" I questioned. 

"Yeah, she couldn't sleep and she needed to talk to me about something. So she came over and we talked over some tea," she explained.

"What did ya talk 'bout?" 

"Just...girl stuff," she said. 

"Mum, if Dani was keeping something from me, something big, you would tell me, right?" I asked.

I heard her hesitate slightly. "Of course, Zayn," she whispered, "Of course."

*Daniella's POV*

I woke up next to my pool with the sun shining in my face. I squinted my eyes and grabbed my phone. I stood up and felt a little dizzy. I vaguely remembered what I was doing out here. I looked at my phone, checking the time: 1:52 P.M. My stomach felt a little queasy. I ran to the bathroom and got there just in time. 

After I was finished vomiting, I brushed my teeth, trying to get rid of the horrible taste in my mouth. I groaned and walked into the kitchen. I needed to eat something, even if right now nothing sounded good. I dug through my refrigerator and grabbed some juice. I tore open my cupboards and decided that I needed to go grocery shopping. There was absolutely nothing to eat in my house.

I grabbed everything I would need for my shopping trip. When I grabbed my phone, I saw I had 6 missed calls and 23 texts, all from Zayn. Well for someone who barely ever texts me anymore, he sure is investing a lot of time in me today. They were all asking if everything was okay or if I was mad at him. The more recent were asking me to please answer him. I picked up my phone and dialed his number. He answered on the first ring.

“Dani, I was so worried about you. Is everything alright?” he questioned.

“Yeah, I was just sleeping. Therefore I didn’t realize you were calling…or texting. I’m sorry,” I replied while starting my car.

“Are you cheating on me?” he asked bluntly. That shocked me enough that I almost hit my neighbour’s cat. I slammed on my brakes.

“What?” I said, utterly flabbergasted.

“Are you cheating on me?” he repeated.

“Of course not, Zayn,” I said and then I laughed at him. If he only knew what was going on with me right now, he would realize that no guy would like to be involved with me anyway. “Why would you even think that?” I asked him, honestly curious.

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