Chapter Three

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*Daniella's POV*

It's been two months since Zayn has left. The first few weeks we talked everyday and skyped every night. Now I'm lucky if I get a text from him. I see his mum almost every day. We get together and have dinner about once a week. 

It's midnight and I am just lying in bed. I haven't been sleeping well lately. I have been pretty sick and I don't really do much anymore. I feel my phone vibrate next to me. I roll over, expecting it to be one of my friends. I glance at the screen. I was just going to ignore it but I realized it was from Zayn.

From: ZaynXx


I smiled and replied:

To: ZaynXx


I got up and grabbed my laptop of my desk. I turned it on and I sat back on my bed. I opened up skype. 

When Zayn's face appears I put on my best smile. Hopefully you can't tell how bad I look. I'm not wearing any make-up and I'm insanely pale because of how sick I have been. My hair is pulled back into a messy bun because that's the most I have felt like doing.

"Hey," he says and then makes a funny face at me. I stick my tongue out at him.

"Hi," I say and then I realize how rude that probably sounded.

"You don't look very good. Are you not feeling well?" he questioned. 

I sighed. "No, the past few weeks I have been pretty sick. Must be some bug going around," I explained.

He frowns. "A bug that lasts for weeks? I don't know about that..." he trails off.

"I'm fine, Zayn. God, I can take care of myself," I snap.

"Jeez, Dani. That time of the month?" he jokes.

All of a sudden something occured to me. "Zayn, when did you leave?" I asked.

"Just over two months ago. Why?" he asked. 

Oh my god. I hadn't had my period in over two months. And I'd had sex with Zayn before he left. Everything started to make sense: the mood swings, the sickness, the few pounds I had gained.

"Damn, Zayn! I need to go. I will talk to you later!" I said.

"Wait, what's going on?" I heard him ask but I closed Skype. I grabbed my wallet, keys and cell phone and ran down my stairs and out my front door. I slid into my car and started it. I drove to the nearest pharmacy that would be open at this time of night. When I walked in, the guy working asked if he could help me find anything in a rather flirtatious tone. If only he knew what I was here for, I'm sure he wouldn't be flirting.

"No thanks," I replied and walked down an aisle. I grabbed a pregnancy test off of the shelf and walked back to the front of the store. I was the only customer in the whole store so I didn't have to wait. I set it on the counter. The guy's eyes widened a bit as he saw what I was purchasing. 

"Did you find everything you were looking for?" he questioned, regaining his composure. I nodded quickly and paid him. I grabbed the bag with the test and hurried back to my car.

What had I done? Oh my god, what if I'm actually pregnant. Of course it would be Zayn's child because he is the only guy I have ever slept with. But Zayn was gone. He was going to be famous. He couldn't have a child. That would ruin everything for him.

My phone rang and I answered it. 

"Dani, what was that all about?" I heard him ask. 

"Hopefully nothing, Zayn. I just had to run to the pharmacy. I need to go. I love you," I said in a rush. 

"Pharmacy...for what?" he asked.

"Zayn, I will talk to you later. Okay?" I replied and hung up. I pulled into my driveway, parked my car, grabbed my keys and the bag before running into my house and up the stairs. I pulled the test out of the box. I walked into the bathroom. 

Five minutes later I stood staring at the little plus sign. "No," I felt like dying inside.

I grabbed my cell phone and dialed his mum's number. 

"Dani?" she said, her voice groggy. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry for waking you. But I really need to talk to you. Is there any way I could come over?" I asked. 

"Of course," she said and then the line disconnected. I grabbed my phone and my keys. I once again left the house, locking the door behind me and walked to Zayn's house. I found his house key and slid it into the door's lock. I twisted and heard the click of the lock. I let myself in, locking the door behind me. 

I walked into the kitchen and saw her preparing tea. As soon as she turned around to look at me I began to sob. She rushed towards me and wrapped me in a hug. "Has something happened, love? Are you okay?" she asked. 

"I'm so sorry," I whispered through the sobs. 

She led me over to the table and I sat. She took the seat across from me. "What's happened?" 

"I-I'm pregnant," I sobbed out. I looked up at her face. Shock crossed her face.

"Oh, Dani," she whispered.

"I'm so sorry," I sobbed.

"Why are you sorry? Everything is going to be alright," she said comfortingly. "Does Zayn  know?"

I shook my head and then explained what had happened tonight. After I finished she looked at me carefully.

"When are you going to tell him?" she asked.

I thought about it for a minute or two. "He's going to be famous. He can't have a kid. Maybe I should just not tell him. Raise it by myself. I could do it. Then he could live his dreams. He deserves at least that," I said, rushing my words.

"He's going to realize that you have a child," she whispered.

"I'll say it's not his," I choked out. Those words hurt even now.

She snorted. "Do you know how much that would hurt him? Knowing that after he left you were with another guy? And even if it wasn't his child, he would come back and take care of both of you. You can't really hide it from him," she explained. 

I felt stupid. I never really thought about those outcomes. "I don't know," I said and stood. "I'm sorry for waking you at this hour," I finished. I walked through the entryway and out the front door. I sat out by my pool until dawn. I still hadn't made up my mind about what I was going to do. 

Do I tell him? Do I say it isn't his? Do I just break off contact with Zayn? If I don't talk to him he won't ever know. 

I still don't know and the sun is rising. Another sunrise without him.

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