Chapter 10-Iris

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     I had fallen asleep on Andrews's chest, and I knew this was going to be the last moment with him. I loved him more than anything but I couldn't stand to see him get hurt because of me. I was the reason that Megaera had come down and hurt him. I was the reason why Andrew and Amelia had fought. I was the reason for everything.

     My father and Poseidon were awaiting my presence so I had to leave.

     I got up to leave, and I turned back to Andrew, who was still asleep. He looked so peaceful.

     I grabbed a piece of paper and began to write with a quill and ink.


     Dear Andrew,

     I love you, Andrew. You will forever be in my heart. I hope you and Amelia can work things out with each other and I hope you find someone new to love that won't treat you the way I did. I wish I hadn't caused you any harm. This is what happens when you fall in love with gods and goddesses. They will ruin everything in your life. That's why you never see humans with our kind of people. I'm sorry for everything I've done. Please don't be sad about all of this, this was all my fault. I should have left sooner so I didn't hurt you more.

     Thank you for all the good times and thank you for showing me what life is all about., I will return home now. Goodbye, Andrew.


     I started to cry when put my name at the bottom of the note. I grabbed a blanket from Andrew's room and draped it over him. His eyebrows furrowed, almost like he knew I was leaving. I kissed his forehead, tears streaming down my face.

     I left the house as quickly and quietly as possible. I tried not to look back, scared that if I did I would crumble and run back.

     I ran until I made it to the city, trying not to stop or look back. I had cried so much that no tears were left.

     By the time I had made it to Olympus, it was 10:00 AM in the mortal world. I shook the thought away and made my way to the sky palace. I got looks of confusion and disgust from the other gods as I walked. I ignored them and continued.

     I was at the entrance of the Sky Palace when I heard, "APHRODITE!". The voice echoed throughout Olympus. I'm in trouble...I thought. A few seconds later, at the top of the staircase in front of me, stood my father, with Hera beside him.

     My father and Hera walked down the staircase and approached me. "Where have you been?" He asked. "I have been so worried about you! Are you okay? You're not hurt are you? I swear, that boy is going to get much more than just go insane."

     I stepped back. My father never cared if I was happy or if I was hurt. So now he cares for me. I thought bitterly. When I finally run away is the moment he cares.

     Then it hit me. "I'm fine," I assured him. "But what are you talking about? What boy?"

     Zeus and Hera looked surprised. "The one that hurt you," Hera responded, very confused. "The one that broke your heart and made you stay in the mortal world. That's what happened isn't it?"

     My eyes widened. "No!" I exclaimed. "I ran away and stayed there because I wanted to! No one broke my heart!" I took a deep breath. "What is the name of the person that you imprisoned?"

    "I think his name was with an A...Alan? No...Alex? No..."

     "Andrew!" Hera corrected.

     "Ah, yes. Andrew." My father said with a strange calmness. "That's the boy that the Erinyes sisters have."

     I felt my face weld up with fear. "NO! I screamed. "Why did you imprison him?! He didn't do anything wrong!"

      Tears I thought were long gone rolled down my cheeks. "Why did you give him to the Erinyes sisters?" I sobbed. "He didn't do anything wrong!"

     Zeus stared at me for a while, confused. He looked over at Hera, but she was just as confused as he was. "I don't understand." He said suddenly. "Megara said that Andrew broke your heart and forced you to stay with him in the mortal world."

     "And that he needed to be punished for his mortal crimes," Hera added.

     I shook my head, trying not to laugh. "I can't believe you." I scowled at them. "You know how much she wants to ruin my life. If that isn't enough, she's the freaking goddess of jealousy!"

     My father let out a heavy sigh. "I knew I shouldn't have listened to them..." He murmured. "I was just so mad that he had... 'hurt' you that I told them that they could do whatever they wanted with him."

     I wanted to scream and shout at him. But I knew that I couldn't. I forced myself to remain calm. "Do you even know what they do to mortal criminals?" I retorted. He gave me a blank stare, and I continued. "They drive their prisoners insane. And I'm going to assume by now, that you have also told them to torture him." I paused, and he nodded glumly. "I am going to save him. He is innocent. Andrew doesn't deserve any of this." Just as I turned to leave, Hera stopped me.

     "Why do care so much? You're in love with the boy aren't you?" She cackled. "You never chase love, it always comes to you. Why do you seem so desperate? Plus he's a poor little boy that is a useless space of waste in your heart anyways."

     I felt the anger rise inside of me and I couldn't keep it in me any longer.

     "Don't even Hera, YOU'RE MARRIED TO YOUR OWN BROTHER!" I shouted, laughing. "I shouldn't even mention the amount of kids you guys had together."

     Hera froze, her face pale. She looked like she had seen a ghost. My father Zeus, looked like he was ready to ground me for the rest of eternity. I walked out of The room so they could suck in what just happened. I couldn't stand Hera yelling at me all the time. She drove me insane.

     I needed to get away from them so I headed to the garden. Something was lingering in my head as I walked. Why would my father believe Megeara, the goddess of jealousy? Is he that stupid to believe her? I didn't understand my family at all. They were all crazy. And Hera? She was, and is a coward. So what if I loved Andrew? Of course, you would never understand because you think you're the center of attention, don't you? I thought to myself.

     "I should go look for Andrew," I told myself.

     I can't keep ruining his life like this. I thought. I have no choice but to find him. I have too. After I find him, I will talk with Amelia and leave forever. I just need to talk things through so she can keep her own brother safe in her hands. I took one last glance at the beautiful cityscape and took a deep breath.

     "I'll find you, Andrew, don't worry."

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