Chapter 21-Andrew (END)

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     I was proud of myself. I fixed things with Iris and Sophia. Even though I still had to work some things out with Iris, and I had ended on a bad note with Sophia, I knew I had done what was right.

     Even if it was the cost of breaking a innocent girls heart. Things had gotten better after that day. I went straight home and noticed that I was starving. I had realized that I hadn't eaten much besides the chips I had that morning.

     Amelia and Charles were surprised when I had barged in and grabbed almost half our food supply and started eating it. It felt I hadn't eaten in days-no months. Amelia and Charles stared at each other, then at me. When I was finished eating and was finally full, I let out a sigh of delight. 

     "Uh...Andrew?" Amelia asked, stepping closer to me. "Are you alright?"

     I licked my lips. "Yeah, I was just hungry" I stood up and wiped my face with a napkin.

     "Thats a awful lot of food there bud," Charles said coming up behind Amelia. "You gettin' ready to explode?"

     I smiled and shook my head. "No, I'm fine , I promise. I just...didn't realize I was starving after fixing things with Iris."

     "You met up with Iris?" Amelia asked. Amelia sounded worried but also annoyed. "I thought you said things ended bad between the two of you."

     "It did," I started grabbing the trash on the kitchen table from my feast. "But because of that I decided to apologize to her and Sophia. They are both aware of my situation." I stopped cleaning and faced them. "I'm sorry for yelling at you guys."

     Charles smiled. "It's alright bud," he beamed. "I'm glad you got your girl back. I could tell how much it was eating at you. And I'm sorry that we made you feel like that."

     "It's okay. You guys care about me and I'm glad. I was just stressed. And Iris and I...well, we're not together. At least not yet."

     "Well I'm glad that you are feeling better," Amelia said, pointing at the trash. "You haven't eaten like that since Iris left."

     "Yeah well, I was just sad." I threw the trash away in the trash can.

     "Andrew, I think that is called depression," Charles said biting his lip. "It's a good thing that now one noticed, or else you would have been locked up."

     I stood there, and thought about that. Then sighed and waved it away. "Eh. Been there done that,"

    Charles looked flabbergasted, but I knew Amelia understood.

     The next couple of days went fast because of work. I was out of shape, but I was still fast. There was this one time when I saw Sophia out on the streets during work. When she saw me, she looked angry and flipped me off. I didn't blame her. I led her on and I was in the wrong. I didn't see Iris after that day, but I knew she was okay and safe on her own.

     One day I woke earlier than usual and decided to go to my favorite place to eat. Even though it was 5:00 o'clock in the morning, I still was in the mood to have sandwiches. Can you blame me? They're delicious!

    When I went downstairs, I noticed that Amelia and Charles weren't even awake. I let them sleep since it was so early, and left the house as quietly as possible. The night sky was dark and filled with bright stars. The warm breeze ruffled my hair and I smiled. I stood there and admired the trees and the sky. Despite the darkness, I could see the dark fluffy clouds. I continued walking looking all around me. Thats when I heard rustling in the trees. I ignored it and kept walking, but I could still hear it, heading towards me. It got faster and faster but immediately stopped when I spun around. I couldn't see much, but I knew someone or something was following me. It became silent, and the only thing I could hear was my heavy breathing and the thumping of my heart. I slowly grabbed the pocket knife from my pants. It was small, but it could do damage.

     I slowed my breathing and turned to contiune when I heard a loud crunch of leaves. I spun around again. "Who's there?" I shouted to the darkness. "Show yourself!"

     Suddenly, a dark figure appeared out of the forest. It was Iris. "Iris?" I asked, "What are you doing here?"

     She rubbed her arm and looked at the ground. Her curly hair getting in her face. "I wanted to talk," She said. "I want to know where we stand."

     I smirked and rolled my eyes. "Does that really consist of stalking me and hiding in the forest?" I laughed and gestured for her to follow me.

     Iris and I walked beside each other on the side walk. I was still heading for the sandwich shop, which was about another 10-15 minute walk.

     "Are we friends?" Iris asked.

     "Yes," I responded.

      "Does that mean that we are not dating?"

     "That usually would mean so, yes,"

     "But that means-"

     "Good lord I should be the one asking these questions," I grinned and looked her in the eyes. "Do you want to be together?" Iris nodded. "Okay then, let's make it official," I turned to her. "Iris, would you be my girlfriend?"

     Iris smiled. "Yes, I would love to."

     From then on we were inseparable. We always hung out together whenever we could. Iris started working at a flower shop, the same one that Sophia's parents owns. I decided to think nothing of it. As long as she didn't know, Iris wouldn't get in backlash because of me.

     Iris and Charles were finally properly introduced to each other on Thanksgiving, almost two months after we first started dating. As per usual, I devoured most of the food on the table.

     "Andrew!" Amelia chided. "Stop eating so much food you're going to give yourself a stomach ache as well as leave no food for the rest of us."

     Charles laughed while Iris smiled and continued eating her food. Later that night we snuck out of the house and laid underneath the stars.

     "What is something that you love about me?" Iris asked suddenly.

     "Oh don't even get me started," I scooted closer to her. "I love that you care, that you aren't selfish, you are thoughtful, you are beyond beautiful, I could go on and on about you."

     Iris smiled. "I could too,"

     "Oh really?" I asked. "Tell me"

     "Well, you're goofy and a child at heart, you don't care what people think of you, you are the most handsome and attractive guy I've ever seen...and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

     " know we can't-"

     "Shush!" She stopped me. "Don't think that way. We are going to be with each other...forever."

     I smiled and kissed her.

     "Okay then. Together, forever" We lay there holding hands and enjoying the night sky, and waiting for our next adventure.


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