Chapter 13-Andrew

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     As we walked down the long hallway, Iris held my hand. Not only was she holding it for a romantic gesture, but she was also helping me walk.

     "When did you wake up?" Iris asked me.

     "When you and Megaera started fighting," I responded. "I didn't have the strength to move at first, but the longer I watched you two fight, the more I felt like running to your side and ignoring the pain."

     Iris smiled. "You can't get enough of me, can you?"

     I shook my head and kissed her on the cheek. "Nope."

    When we finally made it to the entrance room, a tall man was waiting there looking worried.

     "Is everyone ok? No one hurt?" He questioned.

     "Yes, we're all good uncle, at least I think we are. Andrew?"

     So this is Poseidon...I thought One of the three major

     "Um yeah, everything's fine," I answered and rubbed my stomach, feeling hunger creep upon me.

     "Are you sure?" Poseidon asked. "Aphrodite told me about everything that happened before this."

     "No, I'm fine," I replied.

     Poseidon shot Iris a glance to see what she thought. She looked at me.

     "Are you positive Andrew? Please tell the truth. Even if you are truly fine we still need to get you to Olympus to get you checked out."

     I looked down at the floor, I didn't know what to say. To be honest I felt numb. I felt like I couldn't feel anything. Everything felt so surreal. Her words jumbled up in my head and it felt like I couldn't even understand her anymore. I looked around, all of them were staring at me for an answer. I didn't understand what was happening. I looked at Iris's lips. They were moving but nothing came out. I couldn't even understand Iris and everything seemed off. Is this another dream? Did I ever get saved? I shook my head and planted my hand on my forehead, no this can't be happening. Not again. I looked at my hands and they were blurry. My hands almost looked like they were laggy, like they weren't following my movement. 

     "No, this can't be happening! Not again!" I yelled and fell to the ground. I didn't care about the other people in the room. I felt lightheaded and dizzy as my eyes were drooping. "No....please no...not... again..." My eyes shut and I went into a deep slumber.

     I opened my eyes, but I knew none of it was real. I was in New York again, lying on a bench. People walked past me like I wasn't there. Honestly, I didn't mind not being seen. My body was still in pain, but I ignored it and started to make my way to the place where I first met Iris. I didn't know why, but I felt like I had to go there, like she was waiting for me there. But I knew she wasn't.

     We met at Sam's Sandwiches, my favorite place to eat. Sam's Sandwiches served full meals for a cheap price. I was (am) a regular there, and Sam was always giving me my food the moment I entered the door. Sam used to be a newsie himself, and always took pity on us.

     I leaned against the wall just outside the building and let out a sigh. I looked around, but I saw no one I recognized. That's when I heard a crash in a nearby alleyway. Confused, I walked over and saw Amelia and Charles.

     "Amelia, I told you already we can't..."

     "He doesn't have to know."

     Amelia placed her hand on his chest, and Charles pushed it away. "We need to ask him together," He urged. "Think about it, if you saw Andrew kissing your best friend, what would you do?"

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