Chapter 20-Iris

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     My sword skills are getting better. I thought as a drank my water. Poseidon and Apollo would be proud. I smiled, but it quickly faded. I kept thinking about what Andrew did...

     I had never thought in a million years that he would kiss another girl. I mean, we weren't really together, but we were more than just friends. Like way more. I sighed and tried to push it out of my mind. I had practiced sword fighting for so long that one of the trees I was practicing on was almost to the point of falling.

     The moment I stood up to head back home, I heard rustling to my left. I turned to see Andrew charging at me. I held up my sword, ready to attack him if necessary. Just as he came close enough I swung my sword but he immediately ducked and covered his head with his arms, slashing the side of his wrist.

     I gasped and he lost his balance and fell to the ground. There was an odd silence as he clutched his wrist with his blood covered hand. Somehow, he smirked at me through the pain. "Well you've definitely gotten stronger," Andrew chuckled.

     "Andrew I-I didn't mean to...."

     Andrew waved a hand at me dismissively. "It's fine. Plus, I should've know better than to charge at a girl with a sword." He groaned as he stood up.

     I cleared my throat. "I-I'm sorry," I dropped my sword. "This is all my fault. I'm always the problem..." I slumped down to the ground.

     Andrew sat down beside me. "None of this is your fault," He said in a soothing voice. "It's mine. I should have never been with another girl knowing I still had strong feelings for you."

     I tried to pull myself together, and clear my throat. It still hurts knowing that he was with someone else, even know he admitted still loving me through the process. "I should have never come up to the surface. I should have just left you and that girl alone."

     "Me and that...girl, are done." Andrew said looking over by the water. "I ended it with her earlier. I knew what I did was wrong and I hurt two people in the process. No one should have to go through that." Andrew faced me. "I'm sorry, Iris. I'm really sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. Heck, I haven't been really thinking much other than you since you left."

     That was when I truly looked at him. I looked him up and down and saw in horror that the boy I loved looked much different than before. His eyes no longer held the fun and sweetness that was once there, but now replaced with sadness still lingering in his eyes. Not only that but I could just tell he looked and felt weak.

     "But why Andrew, why did you date her if you knew you still loved me?" I started to feel the tears forming in my eyes.

     "When you left I felt heartbroken, like I lost everything." He paused. "I couldn't do anything for that matter, all I did everyday was lay in bed and think about you."

     Andrew looked towards the little river nearby.

     "I stayed in bed for months until Amelia told me I had to go to school for finals which was a big part of my grade. When I left to go to school I felt so weak and tired that I could barely even walk. I had barely eaten before that and I had lost so much weight that Charles had to help me every day to even get out of bed. After that, I had to work because we were running low on money and I missed several months of selling newspapers. When I showed up to work, I saw that when I was gone, there had been a new person added to our New York Harold company. That was the girl, Sophia."

    "You still didn't explain why you got together with her, Andrew." I chided.

     "Let my finish Iris." Andrew said, and continued with his story. "When I arrived there, I didn't even notice her until she started a conversation with me talking bout how rich she was and how she and her family had their own business. I didn't even like her but I had to find a way to get rid of the pain I had left over from your goodbye. I started to talk with her more and she asked me out on a date, that's what you saw the other day, one of our stupid dates."

     "I see." I responded coldly.

     I saw anger rise within Andrew, but he pushed it down, trying to remain calm. Unfortunately, I didn't help with that.

     "So you just, kiss other girls when you're in pain. I see how it is" I crossed my arms.

     The dam within Andrew broke and the flood of anger came rushing out. "No!" He shot. "Iris, for two years I've been without you. Heartbroken, never knowing if you were actually coming back to me." He took in a shaky breath and continued. "You always knew that you were coming back and that I would be here. But I didn't. I gave up the first year because I knew the war was already over. There was a massive change in the weather but you still didn't show up. I thought I lost you." He went quiet and looked out to the sea. "I tried to go to the Underwater palace but I couldn't. Every time I tried I would be pushed far away and back to the harbor." He said in an almost whisper.

     I didn't know how to respond. What do I say? I asked myself. I felt bad for getting mad at him when he clearly felt worse. As the goddess of love, I knew why he did it.
He did it because he was heartbroken. He didn't know how to deal with the pain. But as Iris, I wanted to scream and yell at him for being with another girl. But I knew it wasn't fair, and that he was right.

    "I'm sorry," Andrew whispered suddenly. "I'm sorry," I blinked and noticed he was sitting on the ground with his head in his hands, his knees to his chest. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up, but he refused to look at me. He stared at the ground with empty sad eyes. He looked like a walking skeleton, pale and bony. Andrew no longer held that beautiful tan skin of his.

     It made me sad seeing him in such horrible conditions, and I knew I had to apologize, but I also knew he needed to apologize as well.

     "I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, Andrew," I said. "We weren't dating to begin with, but it still hurt. And I accept your apology. I'm sorry for pushing you away and cutting you with my sword."

     Andrew smiled with tears in his eyes. I saw a fragment of what he used to be. An energetic childlike boy who saw the positive in everything. I knew I wasn't ready to be with him yet, but I knew I still loved him.

     We walked side by side on the sidewalk as we walked back to my house. Andrew had insisted on walking me home even though he knew I was more than capable of protecting myself. I was thankful nonetheless. Happy to be with him again. When we arrived, he stopped at the tiny gate just before the steps and watched as I made my way inside the house. I waved goodbye and closed the door. I watched him through the window right next to the door. Andrew hesitated before leaving staring at the door, but then a big smile crossed his face. He threw his hands in the air and whooped with delight.

     "YES!!" He shouted. Andrew turned and somehow ran faster than a god on an enchanted carriage. With the way Andrew looked, boney and all, it was surprising, but I knew happiness could do a lot.

     I smiled and went to my room to change. Things are getting better, I thought. I'm going to fix things with Andrew and I. Especially with Amelia. I smiled at the thought. I looked at the ocean, the sun hitting the big blue water. I'm doing it guys. Just like you said I could.

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