Chapter 11-Andrew

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     I was locked in a dungeon in Poseidon's underground palace. I never thought I would be here. I thought. Why does Zeus hate me so much, what did I even do?

     My hands were chained to the wall, high above me, not allowing me to sit down. I tried to stand, but my knees would buckle occasionally and I would fall. The room was dark, and only a bit of light shined through my cell door enough for me to see that the walls were a light gray brick that looked like they had never been touched before.

     Besides getting chained up and weak, I wasn't hurt badly. Just a scratch here and a bruise there. I groaned as my knees buckled for the 11th time. I gave up on standing and remained hanging there. My wrists hurt, but it was a small price to pay.

     Just then, the door opened. It was Megaera. Only this time she didn't look anything like Iris or what she had before. She had stringy black hair and black feather wings. She was absolutely hideous. Megaera looked like a crazy person on drugs.

     I scowled at her, and she only gave me an evil grin and continued walking in. "It's time for the fun part to begin," Megaera announced. "Are you ready to play?"

     "I ain't playin' no games of yours." I snarled at her.

     Megaera frowned. "Well I'm sorry, toys don't get much of a choice when their owner decides to play with them now do they?" She laughed. "This is going to be so much fun! You'll get special treatment since you aren't much of a criminal. You will be rewarded with all of the tortures of insanity we have to offer! Now the first thing we have to do is give you the Yellow fever or Bubonic we will do the Charles Bonnet syndrome...Or how about this! We'll give you all three! And we'll make it even worse than it is! Then along with all that we can starve you. Sounds good?"

     I stared at her. Is she serious? I thought. She is telling me everything she wants to do to me, then asks me if I am okay with all of this. I shook my head. "No! That doesn't sound good! What did I do to make you hate me so much and want to torture and kill me?!"

     Megaera stopped smiling and kneeled in front of me. "If you want someone to blame, blame that little girlfriend of yours. I'm getting my revenge for everything she's done to me."

     "But she hasn't even done anything to you!"

     "Exactly. She's never once cared about me. She's too busy living her perfect life and pretending I don't exist." Megaera took a breath. "This is all Aphrodite's fault."

     Megaera grabbed something from her pocket. She held it out in front of her. It was a satin black cloth in the shape of a rectangle. She snapped her fingers and smiled, tied the cloth around my eyes. "Have fun dreaming." Megaera giggled and left, slamming the metal door behind her. Even from inside the room, I could hear her footsteps echo down the hallway.

     It wasn't too long after Megaera left that it started happening. Somehow, I started seeing images in my head. Pictures of Iris, me, Charles, and even Amelia. Then the pictures began to move. I could see Iris reach her hand towards me, her lips would move, but I couldn't hear her. Only the dead silence of the prison around me.

     Then that changed too. Slowly but surely, I was able to hear Iris and the others. As time went on, I heard and saw them and felt and smelled things as well. The brush of Iris's hand against mine, Charles patting me on the back, the loud crowds around us, the smell of freshly baked bread. It felt so real. We walked around New York City until I felt the pang of hunger punching my stomach. I squeezed my eyes shut and clutched my stomach.

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