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Fire erupts. People cheer. Snow inches forward. I look up and I let out a breath. A man dressed in a crappy costume comes up. It's not even accurate. It looks a lot... never mind. No one should know the truth.

"I am the demon Mazarooth!" He yells.

Incorrectly pronounced and spelled.

"Argh! You have defeated me!" He yells throwing his shield to the ground.

It wasn't that easy. It took... you know what? I should give this a chance. It happened more than 5,000 years ago. I watch as a pretend blood moon takes the sun. I look down. I run my hand through my hair. The battle... the... the... I can't even think about it. 

"Oi Merlin the best part is coming up." Authur nudges me.

Yeah, easy for you to say. I then feel pain. A blast of uncomfortableness shoots through my shoulder. I grip it. Something burns. Something feels like... like... no. No. No. I must be losing it. It's gone. It's over. 

"I condemn you with a curse!" He yells splashing fake blood around.

I let out a breath. This is so hard to watch. It's too hard.

"On the next full blood moon, I will..." He pauses. 

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Dangit! Line!" He calls.

"Can we go home Snow? I'm tired." I say.

"Sure, it seems like the play is over." She takes my hand.

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