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"Ah. The eclipse has come." Ilithus points.

I nod. I start rising. I look up. The moon is turning the color of blood. I turn. It's moving toward the sun, slowly but fully. I bite my lip. I raise my staff. I grip it. The red beam shoots out. It destroys the circle. Bodies lay in the dirt. Skeletons of our former glory. They're going to rise if I don't stop the curse.

The Demon Lords fly up. It's now or never. I start concentrating. I grip the staff hard. I really hope I can break this thing. A red light forms around my hand. I have to destroy this thing. I feel a shot of pain. I notice blood dripping from my hand.

"Mazzy?" Pasheria asks.

"Tratior!" Assrack charges.

He grabs me. He grabs my neck. 

"What are you thinking?!" Ilithius says.

I blast lightning out. Assrack jumps back. I slam into the ground. I start transforming back. I am not Maziroath anymore. I don't want to be a demon anymore. Pasheria looks really shocked and angry. I can feel her rage. 

"What I know is right." I say.

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