#1 Instagram Pictures

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Hey guys! This is my first preference so it might be a little sucky, so I apologize in advance but I promise you they will get better!! And for the people who don't know Y/n means your name and for this preference Y/I/N means your Instagram name. Love you guys Xx

Luke: You were on the beach with Luke and you were trying to get a tan but he was being annoying. "Babe, let's go swimming! It's boring just sitting here" he said kicking around some sand, to your luck the wind picked up and the sand was blown all over your face and hair. "OH MY GOD! LUKE!" You yelled. He was just laughing at you, "I'm - so - sorry - y/n" he said in between laughs. you rolled your eyes and he pulled out his phone, snapping a picture of you. You soon got a notification saying that someone tagged you in an Instagram picture so you clicked on it. You saw a picture of you with sand covered hair and cheeks and you read the caption:
Luke_is_a_penguin - accidentally kicked sand on her, at least now I can call Y/I/N sandy cheeks 😉❤️ love you!

Michael: Today was Sunday which was you and Michael's lazy day, you both were in a fort of blankets and pillows surrounded by all kinda of food and candy. There was pizza (obviously), ice cream, cake, cookies, sour patch kids, boxes of chocolates, smarties, donuts, you name it and it was there. you were laying down and playing video games with Michael when you said "hey babe you wanna watch a movie?" "Yeah sure what do you want to watch?" He asked while walking to your movie case. You thought for a while "How about finding Nemo?" You asked. He just nodded his head in approval and but the CD in. You were in the middle of the movie when you heard a light snore on the left side of you. You turned your head to see a sleeping Michael bent to a fetal position so you whipped out your phone and giggled to yourself as you took the picture of him. His mouth was slightly open with a little line of drool peeking out from the corner of his lips, his hair was half flat and half spiked. You thought you could take advantage of him peacefully sleeping so you grabbed a pen and drew a handlebar mustache, a couple of 'manly parts' on his cheeks, and in huge letters 'I LOVE Y/N' on his forehead. You took another picture and posted both of them with the caption:
Y/I/N - Awh I love you too Mikey! @ Michaelgclifford 😘😂

Calum: You and Calum were going to the mall in search to go find you a nice dress for your birthday that was coming up soon. "Hey babe come in here with me!" You said pulling him into a Victoria secret store. You made your way to the underwear section looking through all the bras and panties and Calum just stood there awkwardly. You thought it was so funny so to make it even more awkward you made Calum hold all the ones you were gonna try on. When you were done you pulled him to the back of the store and into the dressing room with you. "So, are you going to put these on for me?" He said handing them to me, a little smirk forming on his face. "Nope you are!" You said, handing him the laciest bra. He just looked at you confused and you laughed. After minutes of quietly arguing about whether he is gonna put the bra on or not, he finally gave in and put it on. You tried not to laugh at how ridiculous but you couldn't hold it in, you laughed so loud that the whole store went silet. You quickly took a picture before he could take it off and bought all the underwear. After buying your dress you went home and posted the picture with the caption:
Y/I/N - Damn look at how hot my boyfriend in the new bra I bought him! I love you baby @ calumhood ❤️

Ashton: Lately Ashton has been showering you with gifts before he leaves for your to show you how much he loves and will miss you. He has just gone out to Michael's house to rehearse, so you decided that you were going to surprise Ashton with the best gift you could possibly give. You ran to your car and drove to the best Music shop you could find in your area. Once you finally got there you checked the time seeing that you still had a couple of hours before Ashton came back. You walked into the big building smiling at a couple of workers who were having a conversation. "Hi, what can I help you with?" One of the workers asked, "Hi I'm looking for a drum set for my boyfriend, he is going on tour soon so I decided to he him new drums." you said. He nodded and signaled for you to follow him, he brought you to the back of the store to look at the two whole rows of Drums. You looked at every single inch of every single drum to make sure they were perfect and settled for one that was black and white and gold because it was hot. You paid for it and the workers brought it to their truck and followed you to you and Ashton's house. They set everything up in you guy's room and you thanked them when they left. You had and hour left before Ashton came so you decided to get ready. You curled your hair messily like Ashton's and put on his bandana, you tried your best to dress like him putting on black skinny jeans and one of his band T's. As soon as you were done you heard him coming through the door "Babe I'm home!!" He yelled running to you guys' room. You ran to the stool behind the drums and sat down, you couldn't stop smiling. When he came in he looked so shocked and happy, he pulled out his phone and took about 1000 pictures of you with the drum set. He posted his favorite saying:
ashtonirwin - Wow I'm speechless! Thank you so much I'm so lucky I get to cal you mine @ Y/I/N I love you sososo much.❤️❤️❤️

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