v. terrors don't prey on innocent victims

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                               "My brain hums with scraps of poetry and madness

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 "My brain hums with scraps of poetry and madness..."

Autumn gracefully arrived to the Night Court; red, yellow and brown leaves fell off their trees, it was a gloomy morning, sun drifted slowly from the east, declaring the beginning of a new dew in the quiet little town.

During the ten years of her existence, Elayla learned that nothing bad could ever happen in Velaris, the city of Starlight, the place that have been protected and guarded by the magic of her ruthless ancestors and her father's iron will, shielded against the conflicts of Prythian and away from the war torn world.

Until that very week...

A strange terrifying feeling crept in her chest, like a hungry beast searching for anything to rip off. Layla tried to push it off like always, to focus on the present moment, to forget about the voices inside her head.

'Clear your head...' Her father once said 'Princesses never falter...'

Elayla had taken that advise to heart, she didn't bend, nor did she falter, she kept still, head held high and smile as bright as the shiniest stars, but deep down, she was still afraid of it, she spent countless nights drowned in thousand feeling leaking from every corner of the house, from every single person in the inner circle, whispers of madness pushing her down the edge.

She never gave herself time to think about it, maybe because she was scared that her present might fade away. With trouble brewing in the horizon, with the risk of losing her father and family.

Her Baba thought she didn't know about Amarantha's plans and games, he thought that she was clueless enough to not feel his wrath and anxiety whenever she heard Mor and Amren that the red haired female with the sharp coal eyes and the crimson coated lips from Hybern was going to pay a visit to the Hewn City.

"What have I told you about not leaving this room?" Rhysand's voice echoed harshly through the cold moonstone palace's walls. His ire radiated through the air, hitting her like a punch to the guts.

She had never seen her Baba this mad before, not at her, least of all, except for the day she was pushed into the fight in Illyria. Tears pricked in her eyes, but she didn't step back, she stood straight as ever, their violet eyes clashing wildly without a single spoken word.

"I did not know we had guests..." She spoke, not the same goofy girl who had been stealing away his crown just for the thrill of a chase, but the steel spine heiress, breaded from night and chaos running inside her veins with stardust. "I might be a child, Father, but I am no fool. I want to know what in Hel is happening here? Why aren't we in Velaris? Who is that female?"

She did not like being held in the dark, Rhysand knew it all too well, just like he knew for a fact that she wasn't calling him 'Baba' as a punishment of him keeping her out of his plans. His heart clenched at the lack of the endearing title.

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