i. As cold as stone

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   "I cannot mke you understand.

I cannot even explain it to myself."


Hues of blue, pink and orange painted the skies of Velaris at dusk, the fresh air turned colder with every passing second, sending chills down Elayla's skin as she sat in a one of the multiple terraces of the House of Wind, facing the calm scenery...

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Hues of blue, pink and orange painted the skies of Velaris at dusk, the fresh air turned colder with every passing second, sending chills down Elayla's skin as she sat in a one of the multiple terraces of the House of Wind, facing the calm scenery of the Sedar River.

According to what she had read many times before, the nights are the most beautiful in the night court, not that she would know, since she have spent the entirety of the fifty nine years of her existence in the city of Starlight.

She had no chance of leaving, with Amara- her on sight and the conflict-torn Prythian that existed behind the shields around Velaris, there wasn't much to discover, anyways.

Nothing if not torn wings and bloodshed...

She should've been grateful, for being spared from the atrocities she had committed, she should've be happy that she grew up safe, sound and warm. Should've was a key word.

She should've been thrilled for her father's return...

She should've be grateful for Feyre, the Cursebreaker...

She should and should and should...

And yet, all she felt was nothing, miles and miles of a dark endless abyss of falling and falling and falling.

Catch me...

Bring me up...

Help me back...

She wanted to scream, but no one would hear, no one would listen, why would they, she was after all supposed to bounce back every single time, she was meant to shine like the stars in the ridiculous tiara she used to wear for the stupid occasions people had to see her in.

She hated it...

She hated it so very much that she might just throw up at the thought of it...

"Someone looks tired..." A strong arm rested on her shoulder, pulling her slightly. Elayla lifted up her head, plastering on yet another smile, fake and not real, but every bit the same as her smiles have been for the longest time.

"Someone is enjoying their time." She retorted to Cassian, the male whoo had been her father in so many aspects other than blood, "You look like you want to meet the Cursebreaker."

"That's because we owe her some gratitude." He sighed, before noticing the small shift in her face "Be nice to her, Elayla." He asked "The girl had went through enough."

"I can't see where this concerns me," She muttered under her breath "I am not the one whome she saved. In fact, I see no use to my presence here. I am not even an official part of this court."

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