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Author's POV.

A week had passed since Prim's return to Thailand, and as he set foot in familiar surroundings, his eyes fell upon Gemini. The sight of her filled him with conflicting emotions, and she contemplated ignoring him, hoping to erase her presence from his mind. However, before she could act on his impulse, Gemini noticed him and began running towards her, her face etched with devastation. Unable to resist her plea, Prim halted in his tracks, allowing Gemini to close the distance between them.

Gemini, with a desperate plea in her eyes, mustered the courage to ask Prim if they could talk. Prim, torn between his own conflicted feelings, initially wanted to refuse. However, Gemini's act of vulnerability and sincerity compelled him to reluctantly agree. Despite his reservations, Prim knew that some conversations were inevitable and needed to be addressed. With a heavy sigh, he nodded and agreed to hear what Gemini had to say.

Gemini and Prim found themselves in Gemini's condo, ready to have a conversation that would potentially shape their future. To Prim's astonishment, Gemini posed a question that caught her completely off guard. "Prim, marry me," he earnestly asked. Shocked and taken aback, Prim couldn't believe what she had just heard. She responded in disbelief, "Gem, are you out of your mind? Marriage? I'm still young, and I have dreams to pursue. What do you mean by marriage? Are you out of your mind?" The weight of the situation overwhelmed Prim, causing him to react in a state of emotional turmoil.

Gemini, deeply hurt by Prim's reaction, was taken aback by her rejection and harsh words. In a desperate attempt to salvage his relationship, she reached out and embraced him, pouring out his emotions. "I'm not out of my mind, Prim. Please, marry me. I love you and only you. Please, Prim," he pleaded, hoping to reignite the spark that once existed between them. However, Prim, overwhelmed by his own fears and uncertainties, pushed her away, unable to reciprocate her feelings. With a heavy heart, Gemini watched as Prim's
words echoed in the air, "I can't marry you, Gem," before gemini could say something she turned and ran, leaving him standing there, shattered and alone.

Gemini stood there, stunned and speechless, as tears streamed down his face. The weight of Prim's rejection and the realization that their love was not reciprocated hit him with full force. Prim had been the one person he had loved unconditionally throughout his entire life, and now it seemed that she no longer felt the same way. The pain of this realization washed over him, leaving him feeling lost and broken. With a heavy heart, Gemini tried to make sense of the changes that had occurred between them, grappling with the fact that the love he had held onto so tightly was slipping away.

Gemini, devastated by Prim's rejection, found herself at a crossroads. Without love for Fourth, he contemplated his proposal as a means to secure his family's well-being. Despite hisbyearning for genuine happiness, Gemini made the difficult decision to accept his wedding with Fourth. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make, knowing it would bring stability to hos family, even if his own happiness would have to wait. With a heavy heart and a sense of duty, Gemini prepared herself to embark on a path he never anticipated.

Gemini approached his father with a heavy heart but a resolute decision. he informed him that he had accepted proposal and was willing to proceed with the wedding. His father's face lit up with joy upon hearing the news, and he wasted no time in contacting Fourth's father to discuss the details and set a date for the wedding. The air was filled with a mix of anticipation and apprehension as plans began to take shape, marking the beginning of a new chapter in Gemini's life, one that was driven by duty and sacrifice.

*At Fourth's house*

Fourth sat alone in his room, consumed by hunger, as he mindlessly ate. Suddenly, his father entered the room, breaking his solitary moment. He shared the news that Gemini had accepted the wedding proposal, and then posed a crucial question, "Do you want to marry her, son? The decision is yours."

A flood of conflicting emotions overwhelmed Fourth. His thoughts drifted to Prim, But at the same time, he felt a strong desire to help Gemini's family and fulfill their duty. After careful consideration, Fourth made a difficult choice. With a heavy heart, they responded, "Yes, Dad, I will marry him."

In that moment, Fourth understood that his decision would have far-reaching consequences. He were willing to put aside his own desires to support Gemini and his family. It was a sacrifice they were prepared to make, even though Gemini's heart still longed for someone else.

Gemini and Fourth's father discussed the wedding date, ultimately deciding to hold it the following week. The suddenness of the announcement caught Gemini and Fourth off guard, leaving them shocked and surprised. However, they swiftly accepted the decision, understanding the significance of their commitment. Despite the short timeframe, they were determined to make the necessary preparations and embrace their roles as husband and husband. With a mix of both nervousness and sadness Gemini and Fourth prepared themselves for the upcoming wedding day.

As the wedding preparations progressed, Gemini and Fourth's families extended invitations to a multitude of guests. However, due to Prim's absence from the country and her demanding career, she remained unaware of the upcoming event. Despite numerous attempts to contact her through text and calls, Prim's busy schedule prevented her from responding or being informed about the wedding.

Due to Fourth's pregnancy, he experienced intense food cravings and found himself frequently visiting Phuwin's house. Phuwin, understanding Fourth's needs, was always ready to fulfill his cravings and provide support. Fourth, determined to keep his pregnancy a secret from their family, relied on Phuwin's assistance to satisfy his food cravings without arousing suspicion. It became a routine for Fourth to spend time at Phuwin's house, where they could indulge in his cravings while maintaining the secrecy of their pregnancy.

Throughout Fourth's pregnancy, he consistently visited the doctor for regular check-ups, often accompanied by Phuwin for support. During one of these visits, the doctor emphasized the importance of rest and prescribed prenatal vitamins for Fourth's well-being. Understanding the significance of these recommendations, Fourth made a conscious effort to prioritize rest and diligently take the prescribed vitamins to ensure a healthy pregnancy. With Phuwin by their side, offering unwavering support, Fourth navigated the journey of pregnancy with care and attentiveness to both his own well-being and that of fourth's unborn child.

To be continued...

I'm sorry if i had to post 3 chapters in one day, it's just one of my bad habit🙏

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