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Gemini had been relentlessly pursuing Fourth for five months, and now the baby was eight months old. Fourth's baby bump had grown significantly, and Gemini adored it. He were always attentive to Fourth's needs, even if it meant fulfilling a request at 3 am.

One night, Fourth was sleeping in bed while Gemini slept on the floor. Suddenly, Fourth called out to Gemini, their voice filled with urgency. Gemini woke up, concerned, and responded in a gentle tone, "What is it, baby?"

Fourth appeared on the verge of tears, causing Gemini's worry to intensify. "Hey, baby, what's wrong?" Gemini asked, his voice filled with concern.

Fourth's request surprised Gemini. "I want mango," Fourth said. Gemini felt a mixture of relief and determination. While it seemed challenging to find mango at such a late hour, Gemini was determined to fulfill Fourth's craving.

Gemini embarked on a long journey to the supermarket, determined to find mangoes for Fourth. Despite the distance, Gemini knew that the supermarket was open 24/7, ensuring that he would be able to purchase the fruit. Finally, after a tiring ride, Gemini arrived at the supermarket and bought plenty of mangoes.

With the precious cargo in hand, Gemini headed back home. Upon reaching home, he carefully stored some of the mangoes in the refrigerator to keep them fresh. Then, with a warm smile, Gemini presented Fourth with a plate of juicy mangoes, ready to satisfy yis craving.

Gemini's efforts to fulfill Fourth's desire demonstrated his unwavering love and commitment, going to great lengths to ensure Fourth's happiness and well-being.

When Gemini presented the mangoes to Fourth, he were met with the unexpected response that Fourth no longer wanted them due to Gemini's delay. Gemini scratched his head in mild confusion but understood that Fourth's pregnancy cravings could be unpredictable. He gently put Fourth back to sleep, thinking the mangoes were no longer desired.

However, just an hour later, Fourth woke Gemini up again, expressing a renewed desire for the mangoes. Gemini smiled, understanding Fourth's ever-changing cravings, and promptly retrieved the mangoes from the refrigerator. As Fourth ate the mangoes, tears streamed down his face. Concerned, Gemini asked, "Why are you crying, baby?"

Fourth looked up at Gemini, apologizing for making him tired. Gemini found Fourth's emotional state is cute and comforting. He gently patted Fourth's head and reassured him, saying, "It's okay, baby. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters."

Gemini's tenderness and understanding towards Fourth's emotional state showcased his deep love and care for Fourth, willing to go the extra mile to fulfill his dnesires and provide comfort.

After witnessing Gemini's unwavering determination and efforts, Fourth finally made up their mind to fully forgive Gemini. During lunchtime, Gemini ook the initiative to cook soup for fourth and brought it up to their room. When Gemini entered the room, he handed the soup to Fourth as instructed. Fourth then asked Gemini to sit beside him and make eye contact.

Gemini, following Fourth's instructions, sat beside them, feeling a mix of shock and anticipation. Suddenly, Fourth leaned in and gave Gemini a tender kiss. Gemini, taken aback, couldn't help but ask what it meant.

Fourth looked deeply into Gemini's eyes and embraced them tightly. "I forgive you, Gemini. I know you love me. I want us to get married again, but this time with genuine love and assurance," Fourth expressed, his voice filled with sincerity and hope.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Gemini couldn't hold back his tears and hugged Fourth tightly in return. "I love you, Fourth. I promise you will never regret forgiving me," Gemini whispered, his voice filled with gratitude and determination.

The embrace continued for a while, filled with a sense of healing and reconciliation. Eventually, Fourth broke the hug and mentioned that the soup had cooled down. He requested Gemini to reheat it, and Gemini promptly reheated the soup.

One month later, Gemini, Pond, and Phuwin were gathered in the kitchen, enjoying a meal together when suddenly, Fourth's scream pierced the air, calling out Gemini's name. The panic in Fourth's voice sent them all rushing to his side. Fourth was in tears as he exclaimed, "Gem! My water broke!"

In a flurry of panic, Gemini, Pond, and Phuwin quickly gathered some clothes and rushed to the car. Gemini started the car, and Pond and Phuwin sat in the back, providing support to Fourth during the intense moment. They hurriedly made their way to the hospital, with Gemini's nerves on edge, causing him to pace anxiously.

Pond and Phuwin, feeling dizzy from Gemini's restless walking, urged him to sit down. Phuwin reassured him, saying, "Hey, sit down. Everything is going to be okay." Reluctantly, Gemini took a seat but couldn't help but worry about Fourth and the impending arrival of their baby.

After a while, they heard the sound of a baby crying, filling the air with a mix of relief and joy. Gemini couldn't help but smile at the sound, overwhelmed with emotions. The doctor emerged from the delivery room, delivering the wonderful news that both Fourth and the baby were healthy.

The room filled with a sense of relief and happiness, as Gemini, Pond, and Phuwin celebrated the safe arrival of the precious little one. It was a moment of pure joy and gratitude.

When Fourth woke up, Gemini was already in the room, engaged in conversation with Fourth's mother and stepfather. Fourth called out to Gemini, and Gemini turned towards Fourth, concerned. "Hey, baby, are you okay?" Gemini asked, his voice filled with care and affection.

Fourth's attention shifted to the presence of their newborn baby, and he inquired about the child's whereabouts. Gemini's smile widened as he pointed towards Fourth's mother, who was holding the baby. A sense of joy and anticipation filled the room.

With a hopeful expression, Fourth turned to their mother and asked, "Mom, can I hold the baby?" The room fell silent for a moment as everyone awaited the response. Fourth's mother, filled with love and understanding, gently handed the baby over to Fourth, allowing him to experience the joy of holding their child for the first time.

Gemini sat beside Fourth, their hearts filled with love and excitement. Gemini posed the question, "Love, what should we name our baby?" In response, Fourth leaned in and kissed Gemini, a smile gracing their lips. "Diana," Fourth declared, his voice filled with affection. "We will name her Diana. She's our little light, our baby girl."

Gemini's smile widened, touched by the significance of the chosen name. He lovingly replied, "What a beautiful name, baby, just like you." In that moment, a sense of joy and unity enveloped them as they embraced their new role as parents, cherishing the precious gift of their daughter, Diana.

As Pond and Phuwin entered the room, their excitement was evident. They approached Fourth, eager to hold the baby and inquiring about her name. Phuwin asked, "Fourth, can we hold her? And does she have a name?"

Before Fourth could respond, Pond interjected, asserting his claim to hold his niece. They engaged in a playful argument, each wanting their turn to hold the baby. Sensing the tension, Fourth took charge and gently took Diana into his arms.

With a loving smile, Fourth addressed Phuwin's question, "Her name is Diana." The room fell silent for a moment as the significance of the name sank in. Diana was not only a precious bundle of joy but also a symbol of hope and light in their lives.

Understanding the importance of the moment, Pond and Phuwin set aside their playful argument and approached Fourth, their eyes filled with awe and admiration for the little one named Diana. Together, they celebrated the arrival of this beautiful new addition to their lives.

The ending is in the next chapter!!

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