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Today is the day of Gemini and Fourth's wedding. Fourth, accompanied by his father, walked down the aisle. Nervousness enveloped Fourth, but they reassured himself that everything would be okay. With each step, they held onto the commitment that had brought them to this moment. Surrounded by the support and good wishes of their loved ones, Fourth embraced the significance of the occasion, ready to embark on this new chapter of their life with hope and determination.

As Fourth reached Gemini at the altar, Gemini smiled warmly, and together they turned to face the priest. Following the beautiful ceremony, the moment arrived when the priest declared, "You may now kiss your husband." Gemini leaned in and kissed Fourth on the lips, sealing their vows with a tender embrace. The exchange of rings followed, and the priest joyfully announced, "I now pronounce you husband and husband." The room filled with applause and celebration as Gemini and Fourth officially began their journey as a married couple.

After the wedding, Fourth and Gemini's families shared the news that they had arranged a new house for the couple to live in. Fourth and Gemini were taken aback by the announcement, their faces showing surprise and astonishment. However, Gemini's expression seemed tinged with a hint of disappointment, though they chose to keep their thoughts to themselves. Sensing Gemini's reaction, Fourth looked down, unsure of how to address the situation. A subtle tension filled the air between gemini and fourth.

Gemini and Fourth started the process of packing their belongings, preparing to move into their new house. Once they finished packing, they made their way to the new home. However, Gemini's expression remained distant and cold. Sensing Gemini's emotional state, Fourth approached and asked, "Are you hungry?" Gemini glanced at Fourth and responded with a cold tone, "No." Without further words, Gemini walked away and retreated to their room.

The new house was spacious, featuring two bedrooms - one for Gemini and Fourth, and another designated for guests. As Fourth finished cooking, he eagerly went to the bedroom to invite Gemini to eat. However, Gemini remained unresponsive, not acknowledging Fourth's words, and instead brushed past them, lightly hitting Fourth's shoulder in the process. The gesture left Fourth feeling disheartened and questioning the choices he had made. Doubt and uncertainty crept into Fourth's mind, causing him to reflect on whether their decision was indeed the right one

One day, Fourth visited Phuwin's place to attend a prenatal checkup for the baby. Gemini was still unaware of Fourth's pregnancy. Thanks to Fourth consistently wearing a hoodie, their baby bump remained unnoticed. "Fourth Norawit, come inside," the doctor called out. It was time for Fourth's ultrasound appointment. As Fourth saw the sonogram, their face lit up with immense joy. They felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and relief, grateful that he had made the decision not to abort the baby.

While sitting in the car with Phuwin, a serious expression appeared on Phuwin's face as they asked Fourth a question. "Fourth, when will you tell Gemini that you're pregnant? You're already married, and it's their child. He should be able to come to your checkups, right?" Fourth's face showed shock as he had never considered this before. The weight of the situation sank in, and after a moment of thought, Fourth replied, "I'll think about it..." Realizing the importance of sharing the news with Gemini, Fourth began to contemplate the best approach to have that conversation.

When Fourth returned home, he approached Gemini, only to find Gemini in a drunken state. Despite Gemini's resistance, Fourth attempted to assist him in getting to bed. However, Gemini looked at Fourth and coldly uttered, "Don't touch me." Undeterred, Fourth remained determined to help Gemini and persisted in his efforts. In response, Gemini shouted, "I don't want your help, okay?" and pushed Fourth

Gemini was taken aback by his actions, but instead of apologizing, he looked at Fourth and coldly stated, "We only got married because of our families. I will never love you, so stop pretending to be a 'good husband' to me. Prim will always be the one I love." With those hurtful words, Gemini swiftly exited the house, leaving Fourth behind, feeling shattered and bewildered. The weight of Gemini's confession lingered, leaving Fourth to confront the harsh reality of their marriage.

In a state of shock and pain, Fourth couldn't hold back their tears. He made his way to the room and cried for hours, feeling deeply hurt. Suddenly, a severe stomach ache struck Fourth, leaving him unable to stand. Overwhelmed by the pain, Fourth cried out and called Phuwin for help. Luckily, Phuwin was speaking with Pond on the phone, but as soon as he saw Fourth's call, they ended the conversation and answered Fourth's plea. "Phuwin, please help... the baby... please," Fourth pleaded, their voice filled with tears. Without any hesitation, Phuwin rushed to Fourth's house and immediately took them to the hospital, determined to provide the necessary assistance and support.

Phuwin spoke to the doctor, explaining the situation, and the doctor expressed concern. "His pregnancy is sensitive. It's crucial that he avoids stress, and it seems like he has been crying. Please take good care of him, as any emotional distress could potentially impact the well-being of the baby," the doctor advised, emphasizing the importance of providing a supportive and nurturing environment for Fourth. Understanding the gravity of the situation, Phuwin resolved to do everything possible to ensure Fourth's well-being and the health of fourth's unborn child.

After three days in the hospital, Fourth's father received the shocking news and hurriedly made his way to the medical facility. Phuwin, surprised to see Fourth's father there, guided him to where Fourth was staying. With a mix of concern and curiosity, Fourth's father approached and initiated a conversation. "You're pregnant? How is this possible? And it's already one month along. Were you pregnant before your marriage with Gemini? Who is the father, Fourth?" he asked, his voice filled with both tenderness and worry.

As Fourth's father posed his questions, Fourth's emotions overwhelmed him, and tears streamed down his face. In a trembling voice, he began to explain, "I picked up Gemini at a club, and he was very drunk. We ended up going to his condo, and in his intoxicated state, we made a mistake. I'm sorry..." "Does Gemini know about this, son?" his father inquired. Fourth replied, "No, Dad. I will tell him soon. Please don't tell him. I want to be the one to share this news with him." Fourth's father agreed to respect his wishes and assured him of his support. Additionally, he took care of the hospital bills, relieving Fourth of that burden during this difficult time.

Weeks passed, and Prim returned home, learning about Gemini and Fourth's marriage. Initially, Prim felt anger, but deep down, she believed that this turn of events might be for the best. It meant that she could finally pursue a relationship with Nico without any obstacles. Prim had a mischievous side, but he never intended to ruin anyone's life, especially not his brother's. He loved Fourth dearly and wanted nothing but his happiness.

While Prim was at the mall, Gemini spotted him and rushed over, reaching out to touch Prim's hand and embracing her. Gemini exclaimed, "Prim! When did you get home? You should have let me know so I could pick you up." Prim, however, looked at Gemini with a cold expression and replied, "You're married now, right? What are you doing? Don't touch me." Gemini was taken aback by Prim's reaction but quickly pleaded, "I don't love him, Prim. The marriage was for my family. I promise, after five months, I'll ask for an annulment." Gemini begged for understanding. Prim, with a firm tone, responded, "I don't love you anymore, Gemini. Please stop this nonsense. Take care of my brother and don't break his heart." With those words, Prim walked away, leaving Gemini stunned and speechless.

Feeling distraught after the encounter with Prim, Gemini sought solace at a club and turned to alcohol for temporary relief. The weight of Prim's words and the emotional turmoil within him pushed Gemini to seek an escape, albeit a temporary one. In the dimly lit club, Gemini drowned his sorrows in drinks, hoping to numb the pain and confusion that consumed him.

Meanwhile, Fourth anxiously awaited Gemini's return home. When Gemini arrived, heavily intoxicated, Fourth rushed to his aid, helping him stand and guiding him to the couch. However, Gemini, in his drunken state, once again looked at Fourth with disdain and exclaimed, "Didn't I tell you not to touch me?!" Fourth was taken aback by Gemini's harsh words and responded, "I was just trying to help you. What's wrong with that?" Anger flared within Gemini as he retorted, "What's the problem? You're the problem! If only I hadn't married you, my life wouldn't be ruined. You've ruined my life, Fourth..." The weight of Gemini's hurtful words pierced Fourth's heart, leaving them feeling devastated.

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