A New Family

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short interviews confessionals

" I'm Isabella and everyone loves me." Isabella says towards the camera " I get whatever I want I get a free drinks from bartenders I mean I am hot." Isabella said confidently.

" I am a bitch but that's because I'm honest I will speak my mind when I'm drunk I am a huge bitch and very wild." Isabella says with a smirk.

" You do not want to fuck with me I will be the biggest bitch to you and beat your ass one time this bitch pulled my hair and she had a broken nose with a bruise on her eye." Isabella said laughing.

" My family is from Italy and moved to Manhattan before I was born so I'm Half American and Half Italian and if I get angry I will cuss you out in Italian I know all my Italian so I can say anything." Isabella said.

"Non vedo l'ora di incontrare tutti i miei coinquilini sexy e prendermi un po'di cazzo quest'estate" ( I can't wait to meet all my sexy roommates and get some cock this summer) Isabella said laughing.

" Jersey Shore here I come!" Isabella exclaimed blowing a kiss.

| Later |

Later, Isabella had finished packing her last bag " Lorenzo, Mark can you help me with my bags! Isabella shouted

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Later, Isabella had finished packing her last bag " Lorenzo, Mark can you help me with my bags! Isabella shouted.

Her brothers comes up the stairs grabbing her bags and helping her bring her bags to the car.

" Bye mom bye dad." Isabella said hugging her parents goodbye and does the same with her brothers.

" Call me when you get there." Her mom says " I will." Isabella says with a smile she then gets in the car starting the car.

She then drives off and squeals she was so excited to get to the house.


Later she finally arrived at the house she sees the Italian flag " oh my gosh this is so cute." Isabella gushed she gets out the car and grabs her bags and suitcases.

Isabella walks up the stairs and opens the door " Hello!" Isabella shouted she sees some of her roommates.

A guy with a blowout walks over to her " Hey how are you I'm Pauly." Pauly says " Isabella." Isabella replied with a smile they shake hands and kiss each other on the cheek.

Pauly D- Isabella is fucking hot I mean her ass is fucking big like holy shit and she is just beautiful this is definitely going to be a good summer. Says with a chuckle.

" Hey I'm mike." Mike says " Isabella." Isabella replied they shake hands and kiss each other on the cheek.

Mike " The Situation"- Isabella's ass is fucking round and big I'm just like damn we got a situation.

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