Kissing Cousins

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| Isabella's POV |

Today was my birthday I walked out into the kitchen and I see birthday decorations " Happy Birthday!" Everyone exclaimed " Aw thank you guys!" I said with a smile.

Isabella " Bella"- Today's my birthday and I'm 24 bitches!

" Happy Birthday princess." Pauly says giving me a kiss on my lips I kiss back.

Deena hands me a birthday crown and banner " Aw thank you boo!" I said " You're welcome happy birthday boo!" Deena exclaimed hugging me.


" I had sex last night." Nicole told Me and Jenni.

" What! is that why you got the condom from me?" Jenni says.

" My vagina is killing me." Nicole says " do you have a number?" Jenni asked.

" On to the next. Fuck that." Nicole says I laugh " Nick's hotter no offense." Jenni says.

" Yeah, he is." Nicole says " Boo can I call my mom?" I said " Hold up, let me call nick." Nicole says.

She calls nick really quick and I flop on the beanbag and I dial my mom and call her.

" Hey mom!" I exclaimed " hey sweetheart how are you." My mom says " sto bene, come va a casa?" I said ( I'm fine, how's things at home)

" va bene" My mom answered ( it's good ) " So mom are you coming down for my birthday?" I asked.

"oh tesoro, mi dispiace, non potremo venire, ti amiamo tesoro, festeggeremo quando tornerai a casa" My mom says (  Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry, we won't be able to come, we love you sweetheart, we'll celebrate when you get home )

" It's okay bye mom I love you." I said " i love you too." My mom replied I hang up the phone and put the phone down.

I call my best friend Valentina but there was no answer I sighed and I put the phone down.

Isabella " Bella"- I really wanted somebody from back home. To come down to celebrate my birthday which is today but it's okay I have Pauly and my roommates. She says with a shrug.

I get up from the beanbag and I walk away and I go in the kitchen pouring myself fruit punch and I take a sip.


Later Mike, Pauly and Deena comes home from work I was sitting on the couch.

" Hey baby." Pauly says giving me a kiss I kiss back " Hey handsome how was work?" I asked with a smile.

" It was good we got this bike." Pauly says Ron walks in " it's my bike, dog." Pauly told Ron.

" How'd you get this?" Ron asked " I bought it for his birthday." Mike says.

We head outside and Ron goes on it I laugh " I wanna try!" I exclaimed.

I go on it and I start riding it " Wooo!" I exclaimed we all laugh.


Later, Jenni was on the phone with Roger " I got a question have you heard from nick?" Jenni asked.

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