All in the Family

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| Isabella's POV |

I wake up next to Pauly I get up from the bed and I walk into the kitchen.

I walked to the fridge and grabbed some orange juice and I poured it in a cup and I take a sip.

I decided to make something eat so I make some eggs and toast.

I put it on a plate and I walk into the living room and I sit on the couch.

" Does anybody know if Angelina smushed last night?" Pauly asked Angelina covers her face with the pillow.

" That means yes." Pauly says " no I'm not saying that." Angelina said " you're a fucking hypocrite." Mike says.

" You were talking shit about him in the daytime. You were telling me that he's a scumbag, and you can't wait til he comes to Staten Island to get his ass beat and a loser then you fuck him." Mike said.

" No I'm not saying that." Angelina said laughing I take a bite out of my toast.

" You have proven an equation that people have been trying to solve for fucking hundred of years that when you are nice to a girl and you take her on four dates, you snuggle with the girl, you buy her gifts she will not call you she will play you the fuck out, and then she will fuck somebody three days later, when she's drunk, with somebody that she hates." Mike said.

" Do we have any red cups?" Vinny asked " I think that's the least of your worries. We heard you like to visit the Staten Island dump this time of year. Is it true?" Pauly says.

" Yes it is." Vinny says " oh!" Pauly exclaimed we laugh " that it is." Angelina said laughing.

" Angelina has proven the hoe equation. You had a romantic two weeks with Jose, who we actually like the kid and then you go smash the guy you hate a day later." Mike says.

" You had sex with Vinny last night?" Jenni asked " I'm single what do you want me to do." Angelina says.

" I thought you considered you were dating Jose." Jenni says " you were gonna buy the kid a birthday gift. ' happy birthday I banged my fucking roommate' " Mike said we laugh.

| Later |

Me and the girls were going to news cafe " I can't stand Angelina's dirty looks to me why doesn't she like me?" Nicole says.

" Because she's a bitch." I said taking a sip out of my drink/

" Oh! She comes up to me today and she's like, ' is Snooki mad at me that I slept with Vinny' I go no why would she be." Jenni explained.

" Obviously that was her intention I don't give a fuck you had my sloppy seconds. Good for you and obviously you're a loosey goose, because he got it in." Nicole said.


Vinny's family were at the house he brought his Uncle Nino.

We were outside as Uncle Nino were talking I laugh " He says, ' do you need the car I don't need the fucking car keep the fucking car' " Uncle Nino says I laugh.

I walk inside and I help Paula cook " Thank you sweetie." Paula said " of course." I replied with a smile.

Dinner was finally done we all sit down at the table " Let's make a toast to my new family To Knock-Out Ronnie, Pauly Spike, Mike Sanitation." Uncle Nino said making all of us laugh.

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