Going to Italia

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Bold = Short interviews italic = confessionals

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Bold = Short interviews italic = confessionals

| Isabella's POV |

Isabella " Bella"- Me and Pauly's relationship is perfect we moved in together and I'm so happy with him.

" I'm going to Italy so I need my picture taken." I told the man up front.

" Okay stand here and do some poses." The man says I do a couple of poses.

Isabella " Bella"- I am so excited to go to Italy that's where my family is from and I can't wait to see Italy!


" Babe are you going to come with me to Vinny's house with us boys or are you going to road trip with the girls?" Pauly asked.

" I'll just go with you." I said " okay good so are we going to room this summer?" Pauly says.

" Of course." I said with a smile " Good." Pauly says he kisses my lips.

Pauly helps put my bags in the trunk " Italy!" I exclaimed we laugh and he drives off.

Isabella " Bella"- Italy here we come bitches. She says with a smile.

We arrived at Vinny's house " Vin!" I exclaimed " Bella!" Vinny exclaimed we hug and I walk inside.

" Hey Bella!" Ron exclaimed " Hey Ron!" I replied and we hug.

" Are we going to have single Ronnie this summer?" I asked " hell yeah." Ron says I laugh.

Isabella " Bella"- I really hope there is no Sam and Ron bullshit this summer because I want to enjoy my summer instead of hearing them argue and cry.

We all sit down at the table and eat dinner a little bit i fall asleep.



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