And The Wall Won

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| Isabella's POV |

" I don't get fucking involved in your relationship are you fucking serious!" Mike yelled.

" Yeah you want to hit me? You want to hit me tough guy!" Mike yelled he then hits his head on the wall.

Jenni goes to check up on Mike " admit it, bro admit your shit for once." Ron says.

" Admit it I don't do nothing with your relationship, tough guy. Let's do it!" Mike says.

Ron and Mike started to fight " Stop it!" Sam shouted tears dropped down my face.

Security pulls them away " I waited for a long time to fuck you up I've been waiting bro." Ron says.

" You did this for no reason, No reason at all." Mike says.

" How'd your knee in your fucking feel?" Ron says " Yo, Fuck you, Ron I'll take you on every day motherfucker!" Mike yelled.

" All you do is suck dick, you bitch!" Ron yelled " I'll fuck you up every day fuck you, you punk!" Mike yelled.

Sam kept talking to Ron " Sam walk away." Jenni says.

" Walk away this isn't fucking fun anymore!" I yelled " then stop fucking yelling at me I fucking get it!" Sam yelled.

Isabella " Bella"- You need to walk away because you're the reason he's so heated.

" Hey you okay?" Pauly asked " No that shit was scary." I said Pauly pulls me in for a hug and rubs my back.

Jenni calls the ambulance and the ambulance comes and gets mike Pauly comes along to be with mike.

Tears dropped down my face I sob " This isn't fucking fun anymore." I said crying.

Isabella " Bella"- This summer it's a rollercoaster like I have to watch my roommate get taken to the hospital and this is just not fun. She says sobbing.

Sam goes to talk to Ron Me and Deena try to stop her " Get the fuck out!" Ron yelled.

" Please Sam I'm fucking begging you for our house. I know, but, please, Just fucking give us a minute." Jenni says.

" I fucked up tonight why can't you just accept it?" Sam said crying.

I decided to go to bed I lay in Pauly's bed and I fall asleep.


Later I wake up Pauly was in bed asleep I get up and I walk out and I see Mike.

" Hey Mike." I said giving him a hug " are you okay?" I asked " I'm okay it's just a light concussion, and a neck sprain." Mike says.

" I'm glad you're okay." I said hugging him before I pull away.

" Thank you Bella." Mike says " of course." I replied he walks to his room to go lay down.


We all were going to do our laundry and go out to eat

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We all were going to do our laundry and go out to eat.

" Ron and Sam's relationship is a joke." Pauly says.

" Ron's like I'm done. I'm done I'm done and then he's trying to get back with her, and I'm just like..." Jenni says.

" It's so sickening." Pauly says.

We then go out to eat we were going to Astor.

We walk in and see Ron we sit down with him.

" I tried to talk to her last night, and she was like, ' I'm done with you' " Ron says.

" Oh, wait you guys are done?" Pauly asked " that's what she said." Ron replied.

" She's like, ' I'm done' she's, like, ' go fuck yourself'" Ron says.

" Yeah, but we've heard that before." Jenni said.


Later we were home I walk in mike's room " Hey Mike you okay?" I asked.

" Yeah I'm okay." Mike replied " alright get some rest." I said giving him a hug.


The girls were going out I was going to the club with the guys.

The girls were going out I was going to the club with the guys

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I was dancing with Pauly " Che Cosa." The guy said to Pauly.

" Let's do it baby!" Pauly said to the guy " Babe it doesn't mean anything." I said giving him a kiss.

" I'll just knock him out." Pauly says i chuckle and we continue to dance.

Pauly walks over to the guy " what's up baby let's do it, baby I'll fuck you up! You ain't shit mother fucker let's do it!" Pauly yelled at the guy.

Me and Pauly continue to dance "torna a ballare con la tua troia" The guy says ( go back to dancing with your slut )

Pauly D- So I couldn't understand what the guy said so I ask Vinny and he told me that the guy said ' go back to dancing with your slut' and I fucking snapped.

Pauly punches the dude " don't call my girlfriend a slut motherfucker!" Pauly yelled punching the dude again.

The guy walks away " You alright?" Pauly asked wrapping his arm around my waist.

" Yeah I'm okay." I said he kisses my cheek and we all head back to the house.

Ron hands Sam flowers I head to my room and I change into some comfy clothes.

I crawl into Pauly's bed and we cuddle falling asleep.

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