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Short interviews confessionals

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Short interviews confessionals

| Isabella's POV |

I packed my final bag " Finally

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I packed my final bag " Finally." I huffed I brushed my fingers through my hair and I grab my bags and suitcases bringing them downstairs.

Isabella " Bella"- We are back in seaside bitches I'm so excited. She says with a smile

" Bye Mom, Bye dad." I said with a smile I hug them goodbye and then I hug my brothers goodbye.

I heard a honk I squealed and I run outside seeing Pauly " Babe!" Pauly exclaimed he kisses my lips.

I kiss back we kiss passionately he picks me up and spins me around i laugh.

" I missed you!" Pauly exclaimed " I missed you too!" I exclaimed kissing him.

Pauly D- I missed my girl I'm so glad to be back in seaside with my girl and my roommates.

" Babe can you help with my suitcases." I said.

" Of course." Pauly replied he helps put my suitcases in the car.

" Bye Ms.Bianchi and Mr.Bianchi." Pauly said shaking hands with my parents.

We then go in the car and buckle up " Seaside!" I exclaimed we laugh and kiss before he drives away.

| Later |

We finally arrived at the house Pauly helps me with my bags and suitcases and we head inside.

We see Vinny behind the door with a duck we laugh " Hey Vin!" I greeted him with a smile. " Hey Bella!" He says we hug.

I then see Jenni " Boo!" Jenni exclaimed we hug " I missed you!" I exclaimed.

" I missed you too." Jenni says and we hug again.

" So Ronnie and Sam took the room upstairs." Jenni says " are you serious?" I asked in disbelief

" Yep they took it." Jenni said I huff in annoyance.

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