Chapter 8 - No Longer A Secret

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Music: Medicine by Daughter

"Hi Jona, please call Moon. I'm trying to call her phone, but she's not answering." I tell Moon's assistant.

She hesitates for a moment before answering. "Sir, hasn't she told you? She cleared all her appointments today."

Confusion engulfs me but I deny that I haven't heard it. "Oh, right. I must have forgotten." I give out a nervous laugh. "Sorry, can you also remind me where she was going today?"

"Sure, let me check her calendar." She says and a pause fills our call before I hear some ruffling happening in the background. "Yes, she's scheduled for a doctor's appointment today at St. Paul's Hospital."

Doctor's appointment? Why would she go for a doctor's appointment without telling me? We're not scheduled for another 6 months for our appointment.

"Okay, now I remember. Thank you." I said as I dropped the call.

Why would Moon go to a doctor's appointment without letting me know? We did these things together because she was afraid of hospitals.

Standing up, I take my coat from the hanger and leave my office.

Taking my phone, I dial Juni, my driver. "Hi, come pick me up. We're going to St. Paul's."

"Yes, Sir." He says and I drop it.

Getting to the elevator, I click the "down" button and wait for the doors to open. As I stand here, I hear footsteps beside me. Looking back, I see one of Moon's team members.

"Good afternoon, Sir." She says as she bows.

"Good afternoon." I reply and my eyes drift back to the doors or the elevator.

She looks back at the elevator before turning to me. "I hope Ms Moon is doing alright. She's been gone for a few days now."

I look back at her as I feel my whole body suddenly getting heavy. She hasn't been coming to work? Why haven't I noticed that?

"She's okay." I say plainly.

Nodding, the elevator door opens and I let her step in before me. The whole ride down, I keep thinking about what I could have missed to not know she hasn't been coming to work. Is that why I saw her at home a few nights ago? We usually go home together but that was one time that she didn't ride with me. She called me saying she had an important meeting to go to that day. Maybe she was in a meeting and it ended early? Why am I not satisfied with my reasoning?

"Ground floor." The elevator door opens and her team member exists and I do the same.

Walking to the entrance of the building, a few people bow when they see me but I don't mind them as I'm too preoccupied at finding out where my wife is and why she's there without telling me.

Don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't trust her. On the contrary, I do. But, this is unlike her. She always told me if something important was going to happen. This time, I feel something different. It feels different. For the first time in a long time, I feel scared.

"Sir." Juni says as he opens the door for me.

Acknowledging him, I take the backseat and he closes the door. He runs to the driver's side and starts the car and we go our way. As the world around me turns into a blur, I think of every possible reason why she wouldn't tell me about this. Maybe she's just visiting a friend? Or, maybe she got a call from the orphanage and one of the sisters was hospitalized? But, if that were the case, I'd also get a call from them. My heart starts to beat faster as I think of reasons.

Grabbing my phone, I dial her number again.

"Sorry, the person you are calling cannot come to the phone right now. Please leave a message." The tone says.

Dropping the call, I text her.

Moon-a, where are you? I hope you're okay.

Sending it, I keep my phone in the inside pocket of my coat and watch the city in front of me as they pass by. She wouldn't do things without telling me. That's not like her. Suddenly, I feel my stomach making turns. My hands start to sweat and I wipe them on my pants.

"Sir, we're here." Juni says as he takes a right at the entrance of the hospital.

"Thank you." I say as he comes to a complete stop.

Opening the door, I walk inside and see people making their way around the hospital. From people who came to visit their relatives and nurses and doctors who are running around to get to where they should be. I look around to find the lobby.

Walking to it, the nurse in front greets me as she recognizes me. "Sir, you're not due for another appointment in 6 months."

I smile to hide away the worry in my face. "I know. I was just wondering where Moon's appointment is today? I forgot what room she's in."

She looks at the computer in front of her and types something. "Oh, yes, she's meeting with Dr. Woon at room 610."

Tapping the counter lightly, I thank her before walking to the elevator and pressing the "up" button. The door opens quickly and I get in. clicking on the number "6", it takes me there. So, she's still here? I hope I'm not too late. The door opens and I step out. There's a reception on this floor so I go to them and ask where room 610 is. The nurse points to the direction and I follow it as I thank her.

Walking down the hall, I notice all the patients here look the same. Some are on a wheelchair while others are being guided by nurses to walk to where they want to be. But, one thing is common in all of them: they're all cancer patients. As I see the room numbers getting closer to the one I'm looking for, I feel my nerves kicking in. The nervousness eats my insides and I can just feel my whole body getting heavier and heavier as I take each step. Why would the Moon be on this floor? At the end of the hall, I see a sign that points to the room I'm looking for but the name at the bottom stops me from my tracks.

Room 610

Dr. Woon-ha | Oncologist

Slowly making my way to the corner, I hear voices and the woman's voice is familiar to me. It's Moon's voice.

"Thank you for your time, Doctor." Moon says.

"I'm happy to help, Ms Moon. Just remember your checkup appointment is tomorrow so we can start with your chemo." A man's voice says, maybe this is Doctor Woon-ha. "Ms. Moon, I don't know if this will work."

"I'm hopeful, Doctor. Miracles happen."

My heart drops to the floor. My whole body starts to numb and my ears are filled with a ringing sound. Chemo? Why would Moon come here for chemo tomorrow? My breath shortens and my chest tightens. I try to loosen my turtle neck by pulling on it but it doesn't help. My whole body trembles and my vision blurs. Everything starts to turn dark and I feel blind. I swallow the lump on my throat but it still stays there. I look down at my hands and see them shaking. Do something, Anton!

"Anton." I hear Moon call.

That's right. That's the voice I want to hear when this happens to me. That's the voice that can take me back.

"Anton." I hear her again but this time it sounds different.

This voice sounds too close and too real.

I look to the direction of her voice and she her standing in front of me, her eyes looking straight to mine.

That's why. She's spotted me. And her expression tells me I shouldn't have seen this.

"Anton." She says again, her voice soft with a hint of fear.

I look straight into her eyes and they tell me everything I did not know until now. Her eyes tell me this wasn't something I should have found out. Her eyes are screaming what I've missed for a while. All those times I thought of what could be wrong and what I could do right. Right now, her eyes are telling me the answer.

And, right now, my eyes are asking her the one question that's been running in my head.


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