Chapter 11 - My Anton

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Music: Love of My Life by Avery Lynch

Flipping through the pages of our wedding album, memories from that day come flooding back to me. The most beautiful day of my life – a day filled with joy, love, and a promise of being together through whatever weathers we go through.

I remember waking up that morning with the sun gleaming through the curtains, casting a quiet glow in the room. Anton and I stayed at the orphanage where we grew up. The sisters were so great helping us plan this whole thing. I could hardly contain the emotions I had that day. In a few hours, I'll be married to the love of my life – the person I was willing to spend the rest of my days with. I sat up from the bed, my wedding dress stared back at me and a tear escaped my eye.

As I sat by the mirror, I felt a sense of a calm breeze engulfing me. I knew that the day would end with me beside the man I loved more than myself. When my dress touches my skin as I put it on, I feel my heart racing and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

When I walked down that aisle, it was only Anton I saw that day. It felt like it was only the two of us in our little world. The way he looked at me, with so much love and adoration, I couldn't help but let another tear escape my eye as I made my way towards him.

"Moon, my love, and my light." Anton says. "I vow to love and cherish you all the days of my life. No mountains, valleys, and hills would ever be too much to get to you. I promise to hold you in the times when you feel like falling. I promise to ride this life and the next with you. I love you so much, Moon. My Moon."

As we were pronounced husband and wife, the whole world faded away and it was just the two of us on that stand. As he kisses me, everything quiets down and all I hear are our hearts beating as one.

On our honeymoon night, I knew the love we had for us was so great that it would surmount anything that got in the way of us. As we stayed there, spending our night together, our love grew like a fire that was never coming out. I knew from that moment on that he would be the one beside me, loving and caring for me. I knew he was the one I was willing to risk all for.

Looking back at it now, it didn't matter if it were just the two of us in this world. All I needed was him beside me and my life was complete. Flipping through the book, I see a photo of us saying our vows to each other and I look back at the words that flowed through my heart that day.

"My Anton." I start, the tears already building up on the side of my eyes. "You are my rock and the love of my life. When the whole world seems to crumble around me, you are the one who holds me and keeps me afloat. When everything seems to be too much, you are the one who stays beside me, telling me nothing is ever too much as long as we have each other. Anton, my love, I cannot imagine a life without you beside me. I love you so much."

A smile creeps through and my heart pounds at the thought of that memory.

"Moon" Anton would call me. I remember the first day we spent in our house as a married couple. He would be downstairs waiting for me. Running down the stairs, he would stand at the bottom with something behind him.

I would fight for a way to grab whatever he was hiding but he was always too tall and too strong for me. Soon, he'd give in and present a plastic bag with a container inside. Opening it, 4 pancakes would sit there with a heart drawn on the top.

"Pancakes?" I asked as he grabbed me in his arms, his hands to my waist. "Where did you buy this?"

He smiles before pecking my lips. "I found it on the way home. The guy said that if I give this to the most beautiful person in my life, we will be together forever."

I laugh at his innocence. "You're telling me that a man scammed you over some pancakes? How are we supposed to build a company if you get tricked by some simple pancakes?"

"But if it meant having you forever, I'll buy every pancake in this damn universe and the next." He says, his eyes looking intently into mine.

Smiling, I place the pancakes down on the table before grabbing his face to kiss him on the lips. As I took in his scent, I knew this is what I want my world to be filled with – him and I together like this.

As our lips part for a moment, he looks at me deep in my eyes.

"I love you, Moon."

At that moment, I have my husband with me. In my arms, I have with me my Anton.

"I love you more, Anton." 

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