Chapter 10 - My Moon

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Music: Your Universe by Arthur Miguel

I remember it like it was yesterday – the day I fell in love with Moon.

It was a crisp autumn afternoon. The leaves around us just turned a hint of red and orange and the smell of wood filled the air. We were told to make a project for our marketing class. The project was to capture anything that made us feel alive and we should write about it like how we would want to sell it to a potential buyer. We should be able to convince the buyer why that photo would sell. I was walking through the park, lost in my thoughts and looking through the lens of my camera just trying to see what would look good.

And then, I saw her. Up on the hill, my camera meets her sitting, reading through a book that she purchased a few months back. She's in a beautiful white dress with her hair tied up in a bun. She was flipping through it so intently, unaware of the world around her. The sun shone brightly at her and she was glowing. I just couldn't take my eyes off her. I tried so hard to take the camera away from her but how she looks right now, it's drawing me closer and closer to her. My body freezes and I don't know what to do.

Suddenly, she looks up and her eyes meet the lense. Her gaze was the most beautiful thing I could look at. And, I was the only person lucky enough to spend my days looking at her. Under the sunlight, filtered by the leaves in the tree, her eyes glowed a golden brown. She smiled at me and my heart fluttered.

"Anton!" She yells with a smile as she covers her face. "Don't take my photo."

Laughing, I put the camera down and walk towards her. Sitting beside her, I asked about her book and she described it with such great detail that it mesmerized me how someone could talk about something like this.

That was the beginning of everything. After that, I never saw Moon as just someone in my life. In that moment, I knew that in every passing day that she's beside me, I would fall deeper and deeper for her. She was unlike anyone I've ever met – she saw me and I saw her.

I knew she was the only one for me. That's why one summer night, when the sky kept me up, I asked her to marry me. I wasn't awake that night because I was afraid of my nightmares. On the contrary, I accepted them and knew that they were not going to leave me. It was a shadow that would haunt me till my last breath. But, I was up that night thinking about how much I felt for Moon. I was thinking about how much my feelings have consumed me and that it wasn't enough that we were just like this – boyfriend and girlfriend. Those titles didn't feel enough for me to show her how much she meant to me and what I was willing to do for her.

Suddenly, footsteps erupted behind me and she stood beside me. I looked at her and knew there was no way I would let the night pass without asking her to marry me.

She told me about the stars in the sky and how it masks away the darkness that filled the world. She spoke of putting a light on the darkest days. But, what she didn't understand was I never looked at the stars. I only had my eyes on the Moon.

My Moon.

I only saw her. In this world, she was the only beautiful being that ever existed. With everything that we've accomplished, I was willing to give it all up if it meant that we'd be happy together. I was willing to give her a life far greater than what we have and what we had.

That's why on our wedding day, when she walked down the aisle, I couldn't hold back the tears in my eyes. Our wedding day was the most beautiful day of my life. The stars were our witness when we promised forever together. As I looked into her eyes, I knew my life was complete. She was my world and my light.

Our honeymoon was simple. We went to a beach and spent our mornings and nights just being with each other. We tried to have a baby. But every visit to the doctor was a heartbreak for us. Each time we tried brought renewed hope, only to be disappointed again after another appointment. It was a rollercoaster of emotions for us so we decided to not try anymore. I knew it hurt her and she knew it hurt me. But, we didn't let this break us. Our love healed us knowing that having each other was enough for us.

"I'm sorry." Moon would apologize to me every time we came home.

I would hold her in my arms and caress her back. "This is not your fault. This is not our fault. We will get through this. Having you, us together like this is enough for me."

She would cry in my arms until the days went by and we lived happily like this – simple and together.

But life, as it always does, had different plans for us. As I stay here beside her, her head resting on my lap as she sleeps, I hold her in my arms. As she lays here, I can't help but feel fear creep into my heart. The fear of losing her, being alone in this world without her anywhere. The world would look so dull and lost and gone.

A tear escapes my eye again and it's hot on my cheek. I can't lose her. I won't let this break us. I will find a way to save her.

I need a way to save her.

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