Chapter 6 - Movie Night

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"Moon." I call out to her as I enter our house. Removing my shoes at the entrance, I smell something good.

"Moon, are you there?" I call her again as I enter the living room and put my bag down on the couch.

Entering the kitchen, Moon's back is turned to me as she cooks something. Smiling, I sneak up to her and hug her from behind. Yelping, her body shivers a little under my touch as she looks back at me through her shoulder.

"Anton!" She yells at me. "You scared me."

I laugh. "You didn't even hear me."

"I'm sorry, I'm just so focused on these pancakes."

"Pancakes?" I ask, my arms still hugging her waist and my chin resting on her shoulder.

Moon leans her head on mine as she flips the pancake on the pan revealing a golden brown color.

"We haven't had movie nights in a while." She says as the pancake simmers down. "I miss those nights with you. We've been so busy with work."

Her words made me realize just how much I've neglected too much with her. Maybe I have been too caught up with everything that I've forgotten how to be a husband to Moon. The heart breaks at the thought of breaking Moon's heart and I turn her around to face me.

"Anton, the pancakes." She says as she turns to face me, the spatula still in her hand.

I give her a small smile before cupping her cheeks and kissing her on the lips. Her shoulders relax and she kisses me back.

"I'm sorry for being too busy." I say as we part our lips momentarily.

Kissing her again, her hands drop down to her sides and she continues this with me. A few seconds later, I smell something burning. She must have smelt it as well because she quickly turns around and turns the pancake and a hard black lock appears in front of us.

"Anton!" She yells. "You made me burn the pancake!"

Laughing, I lean on the island behind me. "It's still a good pancake."

I hear her snicker and it makes me feel better to hear her laugh. Walking to the refrigerator, I take two bottles of water.

"I'll prepare the living room, do you have a movie in mind?" I ask.

"Hm.." She trails off as she pours another batter on the pan. "I want the classics. Can we watch Julia Roberts?"

"Okay, Julia it is." I say and head for the living room.

Checking the set up, a thought enters my head. I'll make this area look like how it was the first time we moved in. Putting the bottles down on the coffee table, I run to our bedroom to get our pillows and blankets. Heading down, I place them neatly on the couch. Taking the remote, I put on Notting Hill and turn the lights off. Turning the lap on beside the couch, I look at everything and see what else I can fix so it looks just like before. When we first moved in here, we stayed in the living room because we still didn't have enough money to buy a bed for us. I think it took us a few months before we could afford a comfortable bed for our room. For every achievement, we bought something for ourselves and one of those was the bed we're sleeping in now.

"Anton." Moon calls from behind me.

Turning around, I see her carrying a tray with a pile of pancakes and two glasses of milk on the side.

"Let me carry that." I say as I take the tray from her.

She smiles and caresses my cheek as her way of thanking me.

Walking to the couch, I place the tray on the coffee table before sitting down. I pat the space beside for Moon to take while I rest my free arms on the back of the sofa. She gives me a smile.

"Oh, I forgot the syrup." She says before turning around.

Suddenly, she falls down on the sofa and her head hits my elbow.

"Moon." I say as I sit up from my position to check her head. "Yah, what happened? Are you okay?"

Her face is pale for a brief moment before she turns to me and laughs. "I must have lost my balance there."

I touch the spot where she was hit and checks if I might have hurt her in some way.

"Moon, you've been so clumsy lately. It wasn't long when you told me about your incident in the office." I say as I caress her head.

She nuzzles under my touch. "I know, I've just been clumsy lately."

Nodding, she pats my lap before getting up to head back to the kitchen.

"I'll just grab the syrup." She says before walking away and disappearing in the kitchen.

As I sit here, I remember the look on her face when she fell. I mean, anyone can lose their balance. It happens to me sometimes and I'm not afraid to admit that. But, her reaction when she fell .. it felt different. The atmosphere when it happened felt so heavy. Even if it was for a brief moment, I could still sense something there. Or, maybe it's just me? Have I been spending too little time with Moon that there are things I don't recognize? Have I been so focused on work that I seem to have forgotten her? But, I don't recall ever missing a time to talk to her and just ask about her day. I always make sure that our car rides home aren't about work but just stories about what we felt that day. Did I miss something she said before? Is she unhappy with something? Have I done something to disappoint her? Before my thoughts could take me to another dimension, Moon pops out from the kitchen with the syrup in hand.

"One tasty syrup coming up." She says with a smile.

Taking her spot beside me, she settles down.

"Ready for the movie?" I ask as I take the remote in my hand.

Nodding, she leans back on the couch and we're ready.

Clicking the play button, the opening song starts to play and cameras flashing enter the scene. In comes Julia Roberts as she smiles for the photographers. Putting the remote down on the coffee table, I lean back and rest my arm behind Moon. The movie had been playing for some time but all I can think about is her. Could I have been missing out on everything about Moon because I've been too hungry for success? But, as I stay with her now, she looks the same - she feels the same. Maybe I'm the one who's changed?

My thoughts are getting too out of hand because we're already almost to the end of the movie. I feel my arm getting heavier than before and I look at Moon. Her eyes are closed with her mouth slightly open. She must have fallen asleep somewhere in the movie. Smiling, I push back the strand of hair that's on her face.

"Moon-a," I pause to put her hand in mine. "What's wrong?"

Her eyes are shut and her shoulders are relaxed so that means she hasn't woken up.

"Tell me what's wrong, okay?" I say as I caress her hand with my thumb. "I won't know unless you talk to me."

Her body moves and I catch her head in my hand before it could wake her. I adjust her so that I could carry her bridal style and I walk up the stairs. I don't bother turning the TV off because it will do it by itself. Entering our room, I place her on her side of the bed – making sure I guide her head. Fixing the blanket, I grab it from under her gently and put it on her just to the middle of her chest. She doesn't like it when the blanket is too close to her neck because she feels suffocated. Kneeling beside her, I touch her head while my thumb draws shapes on her forehead.

"Sleep tight, my love." I say before kissing her on the lips and turning the lamp off.

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