Chapter 20 - Saving You

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Music: I'll Never Go by Arthur Miguel

She died that night when I took her back to the hospital.

On her hospital bed, I clasped her hands gently, feeling the frailty of her form beneath my touch. The room was quiet, saved from the soft hum of medical equipment, a stark contrast to the vibrant life that Moon had once brought to their home. As I watched her, memories flooded in my mind – our first meeting, our wedding day, the countless moments of joy and laughter we shared. But now, those memories were tinged with sorrow, a reminder of what has slipped away from me.

"You know," I began, my voice low and broken. "I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I spoke, my voice choked with emotion. I knew that our time together was drawing to a close, that soon she would be gone, leaving me alone with only our memories.

"I wish I could take away your pain," I continued, my voice breaking. "I wish I could have saved you."

As I spoke, Moon's hand twitched in mine, a fleeting moment of connection that spoke volumes. She turned her head slightly, her eyes meeting mine, and placed her hand on my cheek.

"I'm no longer in pain, my Anton." She whispered, her voice barely audible. "You saved me. Your love saved me."

Tears stream down my face but I don't want to look away from her. I don't want to miss another moment of not seeing her.

"I love you so much. Thank you for loving me." she whispers.

With those words, Moon's eyes fluttered to a close, her breathing slowing until it finally ceased. I sat there for a long time, holding her hand, feeling the weight of her absence settle over me. I poured my heart away as I stayed beside her, holding onto her hand, wishing for a miracle to happen.

In the days that followed, I found myself adrift, lost in a sea of grief. But,amidst the pain, I clung to her memory, the love we shared and the life we built together. And though she was no longer by my side, her presence lingered, a comforting echo of a love that would never die. 

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