Chapter 19 - Till Death, We Will Not Part

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Music: I'll Never Go by Arthur Miguel

"Anton." Moon calls me from her hospital bed.

I turn to her and hold on to her hand. "Yes, my Moon? What do you need?"

She smiles, her face weak and pale. "I want to go to our beach."

Her words tore my heart into pieces but I try to be strong. "Our beach? Okay, my love. Let's go there."

I help her stand up and tell her to hold for a moment as I grab the wheelchair from the corner of the room. Pushing it to the side of her bed, I take her blanket off and carry her and place her on the chair. Walking to the closet on the other side of her bed, I grab a black blanket that she gifted me a few years before. Placing it over her legs, I kneel in front of her to tuck the blanket to her sides so she doesn't feel cold.

"Are you okay, Moon?" I ask as I hold onto her frail legs.

She takes a hand and places it on my cheek, her gentle touch cold on my skin. "I'm okay, let's go."

Nodding, I walk behind her and push the chair. As we wheel our way through the hallway, the nurses don't bother stopping us. Moon smiles at them as they greet her and some would even reach out to her and wish her a happy trip. As we make our way down the hall and to the elevator, I press the "down" button and wait for it. Staring at Moon's reflection on the steel doors, I can see right through her. I can see how she's in pain and trying her best to take little breaths at a time. She sees me staring and smiles at me. It's the kind of smile she's been showing me ever since we knew each other. It's that smile that tells me everything is going to be okay. I caress her shoulder with my hand and the door opens. Entering, the elevator brings us to the basement where our car is parked. Rolling her to where I left the car, I open the door.

"Okay, my love. I'll carry you and place you in your seat, okay?" I tell her.

She nods, a smile on her face. "Okay, Anton."

Just like normal, I carry her in and place her gently on the passenger side. Taking the seat belt, I pull it over her and make sure to lock it with a click. As I am about to recoil myself up, she plants a kiss on my cheek. Looking at her, she smiles at me again – that familiar look in her eyes.

"I love you." She says, almost to a whisper.

"I love you more." I say before closing her door and running to the trunk with the wheelchair. Folding it properly, I put it at the back and close the door. Running to the driver's side, I enter the car and fasten my seat belt and close the door.

"Ready?" I ask Moon.

She nods and we're on our way.

The whole car ride to the beach was silent but filling. My hand rested on her lap as her hand was over mine. I opened the window so she felt the salt air comb through her skin as we drove through the beach. The sun hung low in the sky when I parked the car. It casted a golden glow over the beach which reminded me of the first time we arrived here – solemn and beautiful. The soft sound of the waves filled the air and Moon and I walked hand in hand along the shore. She didn't want to bring her wheelchair because she wanted to feel the sand on her feet. Her steps are slow and deliberate, her movements betraying the weakness that had overtaken her body.

I watched closely, my heart heavy. I knew full well that time was running out. But, I can't bear to think about it, I can't imagine a life without her by my side.

Moon and I found a spot on the sand and sat down, the cool breeze gently tousling our clothes. She leaned her head on my shoulder, and for a moment, we sat in silence like this, watching the waves roll in and out. As we stay here like this, I look back at all the times I spent here with Moon. The way we walked endlessly until the sun kissed the shore. When all we did was talk about our future and what we hope for in life. The way our stories filled our hearts that everything will turn out the way we want it to be.

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