Chapter 4 - The Dynasty We Built

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“We are predicting steady and safe numbers for the coming year. We’ve also enough for other things we’d like to do before the year ends.” Moon says, her thumb slightly hovering over the click of her pen. 

When Moon and I started this business, it was just in a small basement with only the two of us. Building everything from the ground up, it made us realize just how much we’ve sacrificed to get to where we are now. Running from that place was a good decision. But, choosing to get back up and not let the past distort us is better. As we grew, so did the company. Now, Dogu is one of the leading sales and distribution companies in Korea. When we left Russia, that was a time when boats were traveling from there to here. And, we were lucky enough to meet our people who could help us return to our country. Things were not handed down to us. When we entered an orphanage at the age of 16, we thought we were not allowed to do that because we could be too old. But, luckily, they were all willing to help us get by. We stayed there until the age of 18. Moon and I were able to attend school with their help. By the age of 24, Moon and I have successfully finished school. While that was happening, Moon and I were thinking of a way to better our lives and creating Dugo was what we thought. After school, we dedicated our time to building this. We’ve had our moments of wins and loses but we still became successful in the end. And, we will continue to improve this dynasty we built together.

Nodding, I turn to Semi, the director of human resources. “Any events in mind for the emloyees?”

She smiles before standing up and walking to the television that is showing her presentation. 

“I propose an evening gathering for the employees to celebrate another year of incredible numbers on our side. Since we were also able to close the deal with a huge client, we have more things to celebrate.” 

The presentation shows a dark auditorium with lights hanging from the ceiling. Tables fill up the room with a lot of happenings with food and drinks. To the center, there is a stage that lights up at the bottom. On that stage, a podium with the company’s logo stands on the side. A sign that says “Congratulations, Dugo!” stands high behind the stage. 

“All employees are invited?” I ask.

Semi looks at me questionably before speaking. “I was just thinking about the higher management and our new clients.” 

Tilting my head to the side, I lean forward to rest my hand on the table. “The employees contributed to our success, no?”

Semi doesn’t respond.

“So, why not include them as well?” 

“It’s just that we do not have funds for-” She starts but I cut her off. 

“Ms Moon.” I call to her. “How much did you leave for the events we can do for our employees?”

Turning to her, I see Moon already looking at Semi with piercing eyes. 


She puts her pen down and crosses her legs. She places her hand on her lap while the other is hanging down by her chair.

“Are you suggesting that I lied about the funds I approved to be used for events before the year ends?” She asks, her voice stern.

Leaning back on my chair, I reach for her free hand but she doesn’t budge.

“Could it be that you are making decisions for my team without prior discussion with me?” She asks another question, her eyes still to Semi. 

“Enough.” I say as I lean back down to my chair, my hand resting at the arms of it.

“I’m sorry.” Semi says. “I will change the proposal.

Nodding at her, I ask her to leave the room so It’s just Moon and I alone.

“You’re too nice, Anton.” She says as she spins her chair to face me. “She clearly was being biased.”

I smile. “And, you’re too emotional.”

Letting out a heavy breath, she closes her eyes to relax herself from any emotion that’s bothering her.

“We said we wouldn’t be like them.” I tell her. “Let’s not be angry when things don’t go as planned.”

She shakes her head lightly. “I know that. But, we also can’t be too nice to people who clearly aren’t.”

Nodding, I give her a small smile before changing the topic. “Okay, let’s talk about a new investor.”

Shaking her head to brush off her anger, she grabs the remote that’s beside her and clicks the button to operate the glass of the meeting room. A dark tint starts to appear on the glass and the room is dark. The television comes back to life and it’s another presentation showing Pavel, a rising company in Russia.

“Pavel has been in the market for a while now. Next year, they are planning to expand their reach by investing in Korean companies, specifically sales and distribution ones.” Moon says before she changes the slide to show their headquarters. 

“Isn’t that in..” I trail off because I’m not even sure if that’s possible.

“Yes, it’s the camp we were in.” She says and I feel my body tense up. “A few years after we left, the camp was seized, and they bought the area to build their company.”

“Do you know who owns it?” I ask.

“No one knows. Although, as I went deeper into it, the owner goes by the name Nozh.”

“Nozh?.” I ask, my eyes widening at the sound of that name.

Where have I heard them before? That name sounds so familiar to me. Turning my chair to look out the window of the office, I try to remember all the names I’ve heard in that camp. I never knew a name except “Keeper” that’s why it’s always too easy to know when there’s a different name around. 

And then it hits me. Nozh. That’s the name that the keeper mentioned when he was on the phone. He took me to the dark room when I lost against Binbin and he got a call as soon as he locked the gates. I remember him saying that name on the phone.

“You’ve heard it before, haven’t you?” Moon asks, taking me out of my thoughts. 

“Just one time. He could be connected to the seizing. Why would he take something he was affiliated with?”

She nods. “Alright, I’ll look into it more.”

Moon shuts the screen of her laptop and starts to stand but I grab her by her hand. She looks down at me and her gaze is still stern and focused – it’s like she’s almost too eager to find a connection to everything. 

“Don’t work too much, Moon.” I tell her as I caress her hand with my thumb. Looking at her hand, I see the wedding ring on her finger. “I don’t want you to get lost in this.”

Giving me a small smile, she takes my hand in hers. “I won’t. I promise.”

She kisses my forehead before taking the remote from the table and returning the glass to its natural translucent form and we see everyone working outside. Bowing, she leaves the room and I’m left alone with my thoughts. 

Nozh. There’s something about that name that doesn’t sit right with me.

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