Chapter 3 - Mornings With You

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"Anton!" Someone yells from behind me.

I try to run away from the voice but it keeps following me. Footsteps approach me as I try to make sense of where I am but there's nothing in sight. Everything is pitch black and my hands are hurting – throbbing with pain like it's been hit too many times.

"Anton." Someone calls again, this time the voice is low and soft.

Blinking a few times, a figure appears in front me – towering over me. Shaking my head, I realized it was just a dream.

Moon looks down at me with worried eyes.

"Anton, what's wrong?" She asks as she kneels beside the bed, her hand touching my chest.

Letting out a heavy breath, I focus on her hand. I concentrate on the warmth of her hand and how her voice keeps me afloat every time after a dream like that.

"Calm down. Your heart is beating like crazy." She says as she caresses my chest, lightly tapping it to guide me on how it's supposed to beat.

I lift my hand to take hers and I squeeze it a little.

"I'm okay." I say, my voice is still hoarse.

She snickers beside me. "I know you are."

Turning to where she is, I'm greeted by the most beautiful hazel eyes. Her gaze softens as she looks at me and I feel my heart starting to calm down and my body stops trembling.

"Good morning." She says as she takes her free hand and runs it through my hair. "I made breakfast for us."

Smiling, I grab her up and place her on the bed beside me. She tries to get away from my grip but I hold her in place. Her head rests on my arm and her face is a few inches away from me.

"It's really nice to wake up in the morning with you." say as I take my free hand and gently push back the strands of hair that's blocking her face.

"You mean that?" She asks as I tuck her at the back of her ear.

Nodding, I cup her cheek and plant a soft kiss on her forehead. "I mean it."

Laughing softly, she nuzzles her head closer to my chest and I hug her.

Mornings with her have made things lighter and better. Back when everything felt like a hot mess, she was the one beside me, always trying to make the world a better place. When I felt like giving up, she was there to let me know why I started everything – why I wanted to fight. She gave me a reason to carry on and to continue this battle. She gave me a reason to live again when I felt like dying.

"What's for breakfast?" I ask, her head still buried on my chest.

"Mamle." She says, her words muffled.

I laugh. "What was that?"

She lifts her head up and brushes away a few of her hair that covered her face. "Bagel, I said. I can't speak when you're holding me too tight."

"Okay, okay." I say before letting her loose and she rolls to her side of the bed, her head now resting on her pillow. "It's not much of a breakfast but we can always grab something on our way to work."

I groan at the sound of that last word and turn to face the other side. Grabbing the pillow where my head is resting, I put it on top of me to cover my ears.

"It's a work day?" I ask but it's more of a complaint.

I feel her hand rest on my bare back and she draws little shapes on them.

"You've already built so much, Anton. You can't stop now." She says.

The name escapes from her lips and I wonder how she was able to make it sound so beautiful. Back in the camp, when they called me by that name, it always meant something bad was going to happen. That name entailed too much trauma. But, when she calls me that, it makes me feel like it isn't so bad.

"We did." I corrected her. "We built this together, Moon."

Moon taps my back lightly as she speaks. "Come one. Let's get up."

Letting out a heavy breath, I take the pillow off my face and toss it at the end of the bed. Turning to her, I grab her by the waist to pull her closer to me. Cupping her cheek, she rests her hand on mine.

"Okay, but I won't stand unless I get a kiss." I say.

Her cheeks start to turn red and my hand absorbs the warmth of her face. She laughs shily before lifting her head up so her lips meet mine.

Kissing her gently, I caress her cheek with my thumb. Being like this with her is everything I hoped for. I never knew I could live a life like this. But, she makes everything feel worthwhile.

"Oh, I have something to tell you." Says as she pulls away.

"Mm." I nod while placing my hands on her waist.

"Binbin." She says and I feel my body stiffen at the name. "We may have a few leads on his whereabouts."

"He's alive?" I ask, my heart racing again.

She nods as a response and I feel myself releasing all the tension. "He's alive but I just don't know where he is exactly. His trails are always leading us to a dead end."

I squeeze her waist lightly. "It's okay, we'll find him."

Smiling, she kisses my cheek before getting up and walking towards the door. 

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