Chapter 12 - A Surge of Determination

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Music: On A Starry Night by Lee Nyeom

"Hi, please cancel all my appointments today. I won't be coming to work." I say to my assistant.

She tells me my calendar is cleared and I drop the phone and put it inside my pocket.

Standing here on our balcony, I watch as the world starts to exist this morning. I watch as the sun touches the leaves on the trees and how it lights up everything that was once under the dark sky. Suddenly, two small and cold hands wrap around my bare stomach and I feel her head nuzzle in on my back.

"Good morning, my love." I say as I take her hands in mine. "You're awake too early."

She nods. "I know. But, I want this morning with you before we leave for the hospital."

Smiling, I turn around to face her. Her skin glows under the sunrise and I can feel my heart beating for her.

"What do you want to do before we go?" I ask, putting my hands on her waist.

"Hm." She says as she puts her finger under her chin to think. "Oh, remember where we spent our honeymoon together?"

Nodding, I smile. "The beach? Of course, how could I forget that?"

"That's where I want to drive now." She says, her hands resting on my chest. "Will you take me there?"

Pushing her hair behind her ear, I observe every crevice of her face. Everything looks and feels the same, how could the world ever be so cruel to this wonderful woman?

"Just to drive there?." I ask.

She nods with a smile.

"We'll go there."

She does a happy jump as she hears me agree to her statement. As she was about to land on the ground, her knees must have weakened because she held onto me and my hands went straight to her waist to hold her up.

"Moon." I call, my voice filled with worry.

Her face goes pale and she stays like this for a little while before she tries to step on the ground again to check if she can stand.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

She nods. "I'm fine, I'm fine. I just landed wrong."

Holding on to her, I carry her up so she's upright again. She holds on to my arms and stomps her feet gently on the floor before standing up completely.

"There, I'm okay, see?" She says as she does little stomps on the floor.

"Moon, what happened?" I say, my words stern.

Moon looks at me before her eyes drift to the floor.

"Loss of balance and headaches." She says. "These are the major symptoms I have."

My heart sinks as I hear her words.

"Sometimes they can come like a wave of pain and sometimes just a little bump on the road." She looks up at me and cups my cheek. "This is just a bump on the road."

Taking a deep breath, I muster up the courage to ask the most difficult questions I thought of last night.

"What stage are you in, Moon?" I ask, my voice weak and almost to a whisper.

"It's called Osso Sarcoma." She starts. "I'm on the 3rd stage."

My brows furrow in worry as she continues.

"I went to the doctor because I've been feeling just waves of pain in my head for the past few days in the office. I would take pain killers but they never worked. So, I went in for a check-up. It was supposed to just be a simple in-and-out kind of thing. But, they kept me in for a while and asked more questions. A few days later, the doctor called me in and told me about my condition. It's a tumor on my spine that can't be cured with an operation or else it will affect too much of me and could cause paralysis."

I stay here standing by the rail and feel like the air has been knocked out of me. Tumor? Can't be cured?

"Now, I'm taking chemo in hopes of shrinking the tumor and to slow it down. They were able to do a little research on my tumor even before I arrived which is good because that means they might be able to help me. I'm hopeful about this, Anton. I can fight this."

Tears start to swell up on the sides of her eyes and she stays there caressing my hand. "I don't know what will happen to me, Anton. But, I know in my heart that miracles happen. It was a miracle that we were able to run from the keepers. It was a miracle that we got on a boat to Korea. And, it was a miracle of having you in my life. I believe in miracles, Anton."

I feel a wave of emotion go over me but one thing stands out from the rest – fear.

"I can see it in your eyes, my love. I know you're scared. So am I. But, I will fight this the best way I can. Will you fight this with me?"

Her question was like cold water that washed over me and I knew in my heart what this feeling is. Yes, there is fear in me because I'm afraid of what this road will present to us. But, more than that, I am determined. I am determined that we can fight this together – no matter how difficult it is going to be. I know we will get through this.

"Of course, what kind of question is that?" I say as I take her in my arms and engulf her with a warm embrace.

She nozzles in on my neck and plants a small peck on it before slightly pushing herself off my grip.

"So, are we going to the beach or what?"

Smiling, I nod my head and she goes inside to get ready.

As I stay here, watching the sun take over the whole city, I feel my heart being filled with something else. I feel the determination in me growing stronger. I need to find a way to save her. This will not be the end for her and I will do everything to look for a cure.

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