Destruction Of Hometree

771 11 3

(YN Pov)

I was flying in the air just enjoying the forest as I see something as I lower my rangefinder and see a bulldozer destroying one of the spirit tree locations as I see Neytiri trying to wake Jake up as I boost my jets and land as Neytiri looks at me as she says.

Neytiri: YN!

YN: What the hell's going on!

Neytiri: They're destroying sacred ground! 

I look and see jake asleep as i start shaking him while saying.

YN: Jake! Jake get up! Jake! Damnit!

He's probably out of his human body as I look at the bulldozer as it moves slowly forward while moving the destroyed tree as i stand up and draw my blaster and start shooting it at as i see jake wake up as he starts yelling at the dozer as i keep shooting at it. 

 Jake: Hey! Stop! Stop!

Neytri: Jake!

YN: What the hell are you doing!? 

Jake: Go Back! Stop! 

I look and see what appears to be camera system as it looks down on us as it stops as i cease fire and i help Neytiri up as it begins to move again as Jake yells.

Jake: Stop! Hey! Go! Go! 

Neytiri runs as Jake climbs up the dozer and i fly up to it as jake with a rock smashes the camera as i holster my pistols and draw my sniper and aim as i see the other camera and fire as i see the camera smoke and spark and i see the soldiers fire at us as jake ducks and i fly up and fire back killing some of them as i fly and grab of their mask and begin to fly to hometree as i fly in i see Tsu'Tey talking to Eytukan and Mo'at as i land and do the "I see you" as they return as Eytikan speaks to me.

Eytukan: *Na'vi* YN LN. Tsu'Tey tells me that the sky people have destroyed one of our sacred ground. Is this true? 

YN: *Na'vi* Yes. *Raises mask* This is prove and this.

I go on my gauntlet and show the footage as the people are shocked and i hear their reactions as i toss the mask down and i speak.

YN: *Na'vi* I have fought and killed sky people for a year! I know how they operate. How they think. *Draws the darksaber and activate it and raise* We will kill them for desecrating your land! 

They start to cheer loud as Tsu'Tey walks up and grabs me by the arm as we nod and we gear up as they hunters are ready and Eytukan walks out with a bow as he says.

Eytukan: Tsu'tey and YN LN will lead the war party. 

We start shouting war cries as i raise my darksaber in the air as i see Grace move through the crowd as she speaks.

Grace: *Na'vi* Stop please! This will only make it worse.

Tsu'Tey: You do not speak here! *Na'vi* We will strike them in the heart.

We cheer loud as we raise our weapons as i see Jake and Neytiri walking as jake speaks to Tsu'Tey.

Jake: Tsu'Tey! Don't do this. 

I deactivate my sbaer and let hand on my belt as i see Tsu'Tey with a pissed look as he walks towards jake and hands me his bow as he says.

Tsu'Tey: You!

Jake: Listen. Brother...

He then shoves him the ground as i'm shocked as i walk next to grace as Tsu'Tey points to neytiri and says.

Tsy'Tey: You mated with this woman?

Grace: Oh, shit. 

YN: Is that bad?

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