Train Ambush

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(YN Pov)

I was in the forest mediating as i i sigh knowing that it's been 1 year since the RDA returned and since then, Me and Jake had to teach the Omaticaya how to use firearms and we've been doing raids on the RDA and I've done some solo raids, but the only thing that worries me is my family. I was always only, but with my brothers and sisters i'd do anything to protect them, even if it means killing my once own kind as i sigh i hear a twig snap and in a quick motion i draw my blasters and aim as i hear a voice.

???: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, chill brother! It's me, Lo'ak! 

The figure walks out showing Lo'ak as i lower my blasters and say.

The figure walks out showing Lo'ak as i lower my blasters and say

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YN: Dammit, Lo'ak. What'd i say about sneaking up on me?

Lo'ak: Sorry, i didn't mean too. I was looking for you.

YN: *Holsters blaster* What do you need, Lo'ak?

Lo'ak: Dad said to find you, because him and the hunters are getting ready to do a raid.

YN: All right, lets go.

I put my helmet on and follow Lo'ak as he mounts his Ikran and i use my jetpack as we begin to fly back to camp as Lo'ak flies next to me and speaks to me.

Lo'ak: Soooooo.

YN: What now, Lo'ak?

Lo'ak: You and Kiri are...

YN: Lo'ak, finish that sentence and see if i don't stun you off your irkan. 

Lo'ak: Just admit it, you like her.

YN: Wh-what, i-i don not!

Lo'ak: Bro, we've seen the way both you and her look at each other, plus, sometimes she talks about you. Plus i found a way to get in you video records, you've been around a lot of alien woman, have you?

YN: Hey! 

I fly in front of him as i say.

YN: First of all, I've been around a lot of women, but they are not for me. Second, I was a bounty hunter I've been around and worked with many women before okay. Even though i'm a teenager, what do you think I do on my spare time?

Lo'ak: Carve wood work, and you even made a Kiri wooden statue.

YN: That's private, how'd you find it!?

Lo'ak: Come on, you know you want to be with her~

I go to stun him but I see the hallelujah mountains as we fly in and i see it's like a base as their are a few trailers for the scientist and Na'vi walking around and as me and Lo'ak land i take my helmet and see jake all geared up walking towards us as i say.

YN: Oh, boy.

Jake: What took you guy so long?

YN: I was meditating in the forest. I didn't know we were doing another raid.

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