Avatar TWOW Prologue

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(3rd Pov)

The scene shows the beautiful world of Pandora as it shows the forest, floating mountains as in the mountains the animals are moving through the forest as Jake Narrates.

Jake: The forest of Pandora hold many dangers.  

A pair of yellow eyes are seen as it shows Neytiri as Jake keeps Narrating.

Jake: But the most dangerous thing about Pandora is that you may grow to love her too much

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Jake: But the most dangerous thing about Pandora is that you may grow to love her too much. 

It shows Neytiri aiming her bow with her belly bulging indicating she's pregnant as she pulls the arrow on her bow and releases it as the next scene shows she's singing in Na'vi while having beads in her hands as Jake says.

Jake: We sing the songcord to remember. Each bead, a story in our life. 

It then shows the Omaticaya and some humans with Jake holding a newborn Na'vi baby as Neytiri smiles as YN has a smile on his face knowing a new life has came to Pandora as Jake says.

Jake: A bead for the birth of our son.

Jake holds the baby in the air as he says. 

Jake: Neteyam! 

Everyone: Neteyam!

Neytiri keeps singing as the scene shows Jake, and Neytiri with Neteyam and Norm around a pod with Graces avatar with a pregnant stomach as Jake says.

Jake: A bead when we adopted our daughter, Kiri. Born of Graces Avatar. A daughter whose connection was a total mystery. 

Jake and Neytiri who has Neteyam on her chest is around a fire eating as Jake holds Kiri in his arms as Jake gives Kiri his pinkey as she grabs it as Jake smiles as Neytiri sings while going bead by bead as Jake says.

Jake: A bead for the first communion with Eywa. 

The Na'vi are around the tree of souls as they sing as Neytiri and Jake are holding their children as Jake says.

Jake: The people say we live in Eywa...and Ewya lives in us.

Mo'at connects Neteyam's queue to the tree as she moves to Kiri and does the same as kiri jake says.

Jake: The great mother holds all her children in her heart.  

Kiri laughs as Neytiri moves from bead to bead while still singing as the next bead shows the Mythosaur symbol as Jake says.

Jake: A bead for our adopted son YN LN also known as the "Ghost Mandalorain".

The scene shows YN flying around Pandora enjoying the forest while doing tricks as he is have a good time as Jake says.

Jake: He came from a galaxy far far away on a planet called "Mandalore." He was trained as a warrior from a young age, and has seen much combat. From freeing his home planet from a cruel ruler, becoming a Bounty Hunter, and going to war with "The Empire", but once he came to Pandora he became a great warrior among the people. 

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