The RECOMS And A Familiar Foe

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(YN Pov) 

I was with Lo'ak, Kiri, Tuk, and Spider as we walked over the Hallelujah Mountains as i had my sniper singed over my shoulder as we laugh and we are in the forest as Tuk plays with a plant as Lo'ak says.

Lo'ak: Tuk! Keep up!

Tuk: Okay, okay.

Spider: Bro, why'd you bring her anyway?

Lo'ak: She's such a cry baby. She's all "I'm telling. You're not supposed to go to the battlefield. I'll tell mom if you don't let me come."

YN: Don't pick on her.

Tuk sticks her tongue at Lo'ak as i rub her head and when i go to pull my hand away she grabs it and puts it on her head as i smile behind my helmet and rub her head some more before we keep moving as we look and i see an old crashed samson as it's handing by some vines as Lo'ak runs up while saying. 

Lo'ak: Come on!

Spider: Oh, sick!

Lo'ak climbs it as he messes with the gun turret as he says.

Lo'ak: Bro check it out. Come on.

He climbs inside as spider climbs up and I use my jet pack to fly up as tuk says.

Tuk: Are there any dead bodies up there?

I fly up and see two dead RDA soldiers that are now Skeletons as I look at tuk and say.

YN: Only 2 of them. Pilot got shot with an arrow, and lost control over the Samson. 

Lo'ak then messes with one of the arrows while saying. 

Lo'ak: Does it hurt when I do that? 

Spider: Mature.

Lo'ak bangs the window as spider jumps back as I see Tuk enter as she sees the bodies and says.

Tuk: Gross.

I just laugh a little as I look around and don't see Kiri as I say.

YN: Hey, where's Kiri?

Spider: She was just here. Where did she go.

YN: I'll find here. Tuk, keep an eye on these knuckleheads please.

Tuk: Okay!

Lo'ak: Hey!

Spider: We're not knuckleheads!

I just laugh as I land and activate my heat vision as I see foot prints and follow them as I walk through leaves and see Kiri sleeping on the grass while surrounded by woodspirtes as I take my helmet off and hold it under my under my arm as I kneel and gently move the woodspirets as I my hand on her shoulder and gently shake her while saying.

YN: Kiri. Kiri.  

She groans as she sits up a little as she looks at me and says.

Kiri: I was doing that thing again, wasn't I?

YN: Yup. And honestly, you look cute when you sleep.

Kiri: *Blushes* Y-you watched me sleep?

YN: Yup, and you looked adorable.

She blushes as I help her up as we stare at each other and she lifts my helmet up as me and her stare at each other as we both have blushes on our faces as i stare into her golden eyes as we lean in as our almost touch as i hear.

Spider: Hey gu-what's going on here?

Me and Kiri go wide eye as we separate and i lower my helmet as I have a heavy blush under my helmet as i say.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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