Chapter 4

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Just like Wei had said, he took Luca on a date.

It was a crisp and chilly Saturday morning and Wei had made plans to take them to the carnival.

Luca couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement as he waited outside for Wei to arrive. He had no idea what to expect, and that added an element of surprise to the day.

When Wei pulled up with his rusty old bike, Luca grinned.

"You couldn't have walked here?" He teased a bit, and Wei huffed at him as he locked his bike to a rack close by.

"That's too much work. I live farther than you from here," Wei whined a bit.

"Oh really? And you couldn't have biked me to school?" Luca asked, raising an eyebrow.

Wei chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, that was different. Walking you to school was part of my grand plan to win your heart with my charming personality."

Luca raised an eyebrow, feigning skepticism. "Charming personality, huh? I must have missed that part."

Wei leaned in closer, his voice low and filled with mock seriousness. "Ah, that's because it's a hidden talent. You have to earn it."

Luca laughed, feeling the warmth of Wei's presence chase away the chilly morning air. "Alright. So, what's the plan for today, Mr. Date Planner?"

Wei flashed a sly grin and offered Luca his arm. "Prepare yourself for the adventure of a lifetime, my dear Luca."

Luca laughed. "Sounds like a plan. Lead the way, Captain Wei."

They approached the carnival, and Luca's excitement grew with every step. The vibrant colors, the lively music, and the scent of cotton candy in the air were intoxicating.

"This place is incredible!" Luca exclaimed, barely able to contain his enthusiasm.

Wei grinned, clearly pleased with Luca's reaction. "I knew you'd like it. Now, let's begin our adventure with the Ferris wheel."

As they joined the line for the towering Ferris wheel, Wei couldn't resist playing around a little. He discreetly dropped his phone in front of Luca and pretended not to notice.

"Oh no, I lost my phone!" Wei exclaimed, his eyes wide with feigned panic.

Luca, being a bit frazzled, looked around for Wei's phone before giving a big exasperated sigh. The phone was right by his feet.

"Smooth, Wei, real smooth, "Luca rolled his eyes and picked up the phone, handing it back to Wei.

Wei chuckled, unapologetic. "Hey, I did lose it."

"You totally did."

As they boarded the Ferris wheel, Luca couldn't help but admire Wei's playful spirit. They reached the top, and Luca was mesmerized by the view. He turned to Wei, feeling a surge of affection.

"This," Luca began, his voice soft with emotion, "feels like a scene from a k-drama, you know."

Wei chuckled, his eyes reflecting the same sentiment. "Well, then we must be the stars of our own love story."

"You're so sappy today," Luca chuckled as he turned back to watch the view.

They continued to enjoy the breathtaking view, the world below fading into the background as they relished the simple joy of being together.

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