Chapter 7

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"Where did Luca go? I thought we had plans for graduation? I didn't see him at all," Wei asked Lucy as he was looking around her to see any semblance of Luca.

He was standing in front of the Luca and Lucy's family shop. Their house was empty as Wei repeatedly called and knocked.

Lucy had a downcast face as she avoided Wei's eyes.

"Lucy? Where did Luca go? He's been avoiding me for the past few days. Lucy?" Wei asked as he took her hands into his. His questioning becoming a bit erratic as he noticed the shiny eyes of Lucy.

"Dae? What are you not telling me? Where's Luca?" Wei asked, at this point shaking Lucy as tears rolled down her face.

"I'm sorry. He told me not to tell you. I'm sorry," Lucy mumbled as she tried wiping off the tears off her face. The tears just kept rolling.

"He...left?" Wei asked, piecing the thoughts together, "right he left? He's not dead. We would have been invited. Where did he go, Lucy?"

Lucy was visibly shaking as she started sobbing. Wei following right after her.

"Dae?" He cried, "Please tell me? Where did he go? I have something to tell him."

Wei gave a hopeful smile, maybe Lucy might say something about Luca's whereabouts. He missed his other half.

He hadn't seen Luca for a while and he wanted to apologize, make up, and hold Luca close forever.

The chapter for their story hasn't yet closed and Wei wasn't going to allow it either.

Lucy just kept shaking her head. She tried giving Wei a smile to convince him everything was fine. The smile turned back into a sob.

But it wasn't.

Nothing was fine.

"Please dae. Please tell me," Wei begged, not caring about the passersby staring at them.

"I can't Taya! I don't know where he went!" Lucy broke down.

Wei's heart plummeted.

He staggered back as if he was physically hit by the new fact.

Luca left?

He didn't tell Wei?

Luca left Wei willingly?

Why would Luca leave without saying anything?

Was Luca giving up on Wei?

Was Wei not enough?

Wei felt like his heart was going to burst with how he was feeling. His heart felt like it was squeezing itself until it would crush him.

He clutched on his shirt as he tried taking deep breaths.

What happened to spending the rest of their lives together?

What happened to all those promises?

"I'm sorry Taya! He left without saying anything!" Lucy cried out loud, the heartbreak evident in her voice.

Wei promised himself to Luca.

He promised to cherish Luca.

He promised to hold and love Luca.

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